Tuesday, January 22, 2008

What a MLK, Jr kind of day!

Well, I came home tonight saying to myself that I would take a 'quick nap,' write a blog and get busy doing some work. However, my body had other ideas, like shut it down. I just awoke to Maria Sharapova kickin' behind in the 2008 Australian Open on the Tennis Channel and with a slight wheeze in my lungs. I am writing with a breathing tube in my mouth full of Albuterol! Lol!... I got the 'shakes!' so forgive any grammatical errors or glaring inconsistencies! Lol again!

What a day this has been. I have promised to be open, truthful and painfully transparent in these blogs so as to hopefully help someone else in their quest for life upgrade and spiritual maturity. Hopefully, my wounds and experiences, triumphs and encounters will have some positive effect on someone else. Someone said to me just today while riding, this is the year of 'full disclosure.' The point brought me back to reality being that I had promised myself personally to be truthful without sugar-coating and to be transparent without holding back in my interactions and communications with others. I will say this, the truth is liberating. The Bible says it best when it posits 'the truth shall set you free.'

In a nutshell, and then I will briefly comment on each one, this has been quite a memorable Martin Luther King, Jr., memorial day, one I will never forget. From early this morning and a breakfast gathering of Morehouse Men, to a worship celebration in honor of Martin Luther King, Jr., to a dinner-dialogue in light of King, it has been a full day, with a hell of alot of personal stuff in between...Enquirer, you listening? TMZ, you got the cameras rollin'?...

Being black and male in America is quite an experience that is unique unto itself. We are peroieved and treated by the 'status quo' as the bottom of the totem pole, behind the White man, White woman and Black woman. We have forever been labeled as less than and inferior except in a purely physical perspective where mental acuity is not needed. We are always 'gifted' enough but never 'smart' enough. People need labels and names for you when they fear you. We have been physically, financially and esteemly castigated. We have been consistently marginalized and dare I say there is a conspiracy to eradicate the 'black man' or at least quarantine him, hence modern day slavery in the form of the 'privatized' prison system.... but enough of my critique and soap box.

To this end , I value and appreciate beyond articulation my education on the higher level, not only at a HBCU, that is a historically black college and university for those who do not know, but for my matriculation, education and experiences at the only African-American, all-male institution for higher learning in the nation at Morehouse College. My experience at Morehouse is one that cannot be quantified or qualified. No amount of money could pay for it. It was an invaluable experience that continues to pay divindends to this day. The Morehouse experience is unique and powerful. Ain't nothing or nobody like a Morehouse man, we are one of kind. It's what as known as the 'Morehouse Mystique.'

With this being 'King' Day, I believe I should mention for those who may not know, Morehouse College is where Dr. King matriculated for his undergraduate studies. There is a bronzed statue that stands on 15 feet of marble of King standing tall and pointing towards the future in front of the International Ecumenical Chapel that bears his name on the campus of Morehouse. Morehoyuse is a community. It is an empowering community that mentors boys into becoming men. It is a institution that is a family which prepares and pushes you to discover and become the best you there is to be, and more. It encourages and creates understanding and pride in who you are, belief in what you can accomplish and an expectation to be more than the best you can be. It is an incubator for birthing personal potential with a worldview in mind. It is an indoctrination of expectation, both personal and communal. It is preparation for achievement on the highest level without apology, with a sense of right and pride. The life lessons taught and learned outside the banality of the classroom where just as significant and invaluable as every credit hour paid for. It is a family of high achieving brothers whose Morehouse blood runs deep and fraternal. Even after years removed, whenever we gather or randomly bump into each other in our daily lives, it is a buring flame that never ceases to warm and light the way. From the 'old heads' to those who have just graduated, a Morehouse man is a brother in every sense of the word, and a brother indeed... I have already made a commitment to my yet unborn son, that he can go anywhere his heart chooses for his college education, but if he wants me to pay for it, it will be Morehouse College! LOL!...

There is only one Morehouse College! Dear 'ol Morehouse, Dear 'ol Morehouse...

Well, my creative writing juices are drying up at the moment becasue my heart is sad. I just felt a wave of sadness sweep through my spirit and I must go protect my spirit and read and pray... It is all apart of the happenings in my day that I will return and continue to share with you a 'lil later... Stay tuned! Don't touch that dial, you don't want to miss!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

2 Years

This weekend I had the privilege of preaching for one of my dearest friends on one of his most significant church calendar occasions.

Pastor Jasper W. Williams, III and The Church of Atlanta, Georgia celebrated their 2nd Year Church Anniversary this past Sunday. Two years ago, he planted this church in Gwinnett, Georgia with 28 people and no building. Two years later, three different location moves and hundreds on roll, they celebrated in their new space, The Tabernacle!

The Tabernacle is one of the most aesthetically pleasing, worship inspiring, state - of - the -art (tricked out!) and comfortable 'temporary' sanctuaries I have ever seen. Most churches would love to have this mock-up as their permanent facility!

Pastor Jasper, III and Alecia Willlams are a team that has led this band of believers to new levels in spiritual maturity and sensitivity, with excellence and integrity.

I was in awe at what God has done through them, in the way He has done it and in the time He has done it. I truly believe that in this season, God is doing things with acceleration for those who have His heart, diligently seek His face and obey His voice.

The Church is a ministry that edifies God in its worship and its work. Everything is honorable to God and has excellence stamped on it. This ministry is poised to become an example and moving force in the Kingdom. The Spirit is alive, the hearts are pure and the vision is exciting at The Church. There was a 'kinetic energy' whose genesis emanates from Pastor J and Alecia. As they stood at the pulpit, holding hands and tearing up at the mike expressing their love for one another and their love for The Church, every other eye in the house was wet in tears in sensitivity to their spiritual leaders. Their hearts are one toward the things of God and the desire to see real life change in people.

I watched from the wings, as they stopped, even on their 2nd Church Anniversary, amid all the hoopla and gala, after everyone else had packed up and gone home, and prayed at length at the alter with a couple for their life and struggles. When it was over, the couple was set free and encouraged and everyone was in tears and smiles. Breakthrough had been begun!

Avante garde, cutting edge and sound Biblical teaching characterize this ministry. The future is bright and the possibilities are limitless for Pastor Williams and The Church. It is a worn phrase, yet it is truly applicable in this case... The Best Is Yet To Come! I am honored to call Pastor Williams my friend and brother.

The Church... Being What God Has Called Them To Be! Atlanta and the world will never be the same! This ministry needs to be on international television for the Kingdom.

Be sure to check them out on their website at wwww.thechurchinfo.org and the next time you are in the Atl, drop by and be sure to tell them I sent ya! LOL!


Pastor P
Ephesians 3:20

Thursday, January 10, 2008


I recently re-read one of my favorite 'go-to' books by Jim Cymbala entitled "Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire." What an incredibly inspirational book. This season of the year always invokes inspection and inspiration. However, many times our self-inspection is skewed and our self-inspiration is biased.

Fresh means to begin anew or to re-new. This is an awesome time to re-new yourself so that you can be a 'fresh' blessing to someone else this year. We can only be as good to others as we are good to ourselves.

I want to encourage you to be 'dead honest' with yourself and your situation this year in order to bring about honest and mature change. You know better than anyone else in your life the areas in which you need to re-new. I also encourage you to be inspired by the Spirit and not by personal gain or popular fame or fortune. Let the 'wind' of the Spirit speak to you and guide you in whatever and 'everything' you do.

Whatever you do this year, be true to yourself and others, but ultimately and first and foremost, be true to God. Whatever you do should be ok with you to be the 'front page news' on your local newspaper or evening news broadcast. It should be nothing that you are ashamed of when others find out.

Make this year a change in your life where your focus is on others and not soley on yourself. Real life that is satisfying without a hangover is all about putting the focus on somebody else.

Giving is living.

Not giving from afar, but giving face to face. To know whom it is you are giving to. To experience their 'life change' because for parcel and part, you gave to them. You gave your time, your effort, your hope and your desire. You gave your smile, your frown and your spirit. You gave your tears and your laughter. You gave your hopes and your dreams, not of you, but for them. You gave them a reason.

During this season, 'Be The Reason' for somebody. When they begin to think they cannot, let yourself 'Be The Reason' that they believe they can, they will and they are. When they think of you, they will be inspired and encouraged to continue rather than quit. To rise rather than sink. To succeed rather than succumb. To overcome rather than go under. When they think of you, they should know that somebody believes in them. Let that somebody be you!

Who are you being the reason to in your life? Can you name one somebody and can one somebody name you as being their reason?

Be The Reason!

Be and bring that 'fresh wind and fresh fire' to the life of someone who means everything to you AND to someone you just recently met and watch the return, the Divine dividends, begin to multiply in your life.

Think positive. Speak positive. Do positive. Be positive. Recieve positive.

