Tuesday, September 30, 2008


2 corinthians 1:2 our God gives you everything you need, makes you everything you are to be - the message bible

i know, i know... to all you 'backseat' doctors and nurses, i should be in the bed and asleep if not just resting after being released from the hospital today BUT i was awakened and summoned to let this one flow... i tried to turn back over but... i tried to take a bathroom break and shrug it off but... i tried to raid the fridge (tony and those frosted flakes were callin my name... al! ....al!) and go back 2 bed but...

so since im here, up and typing here is whats in my spirit... i fell asleep praying, thanking God for the day, the events this weekend and my life. in that, i saw off my mom and lil sister back to houston, noted and thanked God for all who reached out, called, texted, emailed and did anything for me while i was going thru this weekend and last night... i am so sentimental, emotional, thankful and greatful for many things, but most importantly, relationship.

i am thankful for relationships on all levels. aquaintances, friendly, familial and personal.

while talking to a pastor friend of mine on saturday night, supporting each other in sermon preparation and encouraging each other for sunday morning, he shared with me this scripture. 2 corinthians 1:2 in the message bible.

well, needless to say, i viewed all events this weekend thru the positive prism of this scripture. God gives us everythng we need and makes us everything we are to be. wow! simply wow! what a positive, affirming, reaffirming and confirming scripture.

it is a statement of surety. it is a statement of certainty. what God has for me it is for me. whom God has for me to be, i will become. i have it all. i am goin to be all.

i can be sure that whatever transpires in my life, i am SURE God is going to give me what i need! no doubt, no defeat (in the words of my father... no negotiation, debate or discussion!). its a done deal. he will give what i need. i got what i need, because ive got him. i do not just have the resource, but i a connect with the source himself!

i can be sure that whatever transpires in my life, i am CERTAIN Godis going to make me who i am to be. i will transform. i will come into my own. you will mature into the man God has for you to be. you will grow into the woman God has for you to be. i am glad that it is God and not i, that will perform and bring to pass what he has put in me.

well, my spirit and thoughts expanded into the realm of interpersonal relationships between men and women in particular.

three things just kept ringing in my spirit and the bell got louder as the night got older... in a nutshell and outline form, here is what is in my spirit mind...

God will give... everything that i need
resources that will sustain / for what you need to accomplish

God will give... everything that i want
relationship that is specific / for you to you

God will give... everthing that i am to do
reason that is significant / for the specific relationship / for his sovereign will, wants and design

this is played out in the opening pages of Genesis in the garden with adam and eve.

resources. everything i need. God gave adam a garden. an entire area filled with resources. God gave adam animals, trees and land. each supporting and sustaining the life of the other. each interdependent on the other. the land fed the trees and the animals. the trees fed the animals and the man. and then the cycle comes full circle and commences again. it is what i like to call 'circular support.' each kept giving to the gain of the next. adam had all he needed to support himself and then some, including his future.

men, here me now. God gives what we need not just for us, but to support our future. the resources are for us and for beyond us. he had enough for himself and for whom God was about to send him and for what they were both assigned to do.

relationship. everything i want. God gave adam eve. note God did not give adam samantha or nicole. God gave adam eve. eve was specifically for adam. adam had it all in the garden God gave, except the intimate interpersonal relationship one needs with another in order to become all that they are to be. remember, the bible says in genesis that eve was to be adams help meet, help mate, a mate who helps.

note: sometimes in life, whom we so desire and are focused on 'being there' for us may not just be whom God has in mind and in store to 'be there' for us. so many times we bump heads with God because of our selfish desires and limited vision for our lives. we so often live in the now and the sensual. those things we can see, feel, taste and hear. however, God works in the spiritual, knowing whats best beyond our selfish senses. sometimes he will take somebody out of our lives in order to accomplish his will in our lives. he may bring them back or he may not. in the meantime, we are to remain faithful and stay righteous, just as adam did, until God moves again. then we are to be receptive and excited about what he does in our lives. whether it is to reconnect or to release, it is our responsibility to recieve his will for our lives.

God gave adam eve, who had the spirit and skill, as a matter of fact, the right spirit and requisite skill sets to be what adam needed her to be. there is someone out there who is a compliment to you and not a competition. there is someone out there who is a support and not strain. there is someone out there who is an encourager and not an endangerer. there is someone out there who will route for you, cheer for you, talk you up and push you along. there is someone out there who will lift you and not let you fall. there is someone who will respect you and not disrespect you. there is someone just for you.

reason. everything i am to do. God gave adam and eve a reason. together they were to tender the garden, be fruitful and multiply and have constant, intimate relationship with God himself. now this for us today is not about the technical specific instructions as much as it is to find your place in life with another whom God has given you to accomplish the assignment God has given you both.

in a larger sense, we are all to do and be what both adam and eve were. we are to first be responsible with what God has given us. we are to multiply, grow or mature what God has given us, outside and inside of us. we are treasure, invest and relish in the relationship we have with him as well, primarily.

i am thankful for the opportunities in my life to do just these things with whom i was in relationship with. i long and look forward to be able to share and give in this type of relationship even now. when it happens, it is goin to be on and poppin! ...me and her, like thicke, u got it, i got it, we got that magic yeah! (gotta be up on it to know what that is! ha!)

i am back to where i started now... God gives you everything you need, makes you everything you are to be.

everything means lacking nothing. nothing. no - thing and no - one.... there is so much i want to say about this, but just not in this note. though like general patton, i shall return. sleep is creeping up on me now. time for a breathing treatment as i watch the end of law & order and doze off into the early morning night. i hear the sheep now...

goodnite all. goodnite love.


pastor p

Thursday, September 25, 2008


there is a term in the fire fighting world that describes the very dangerous effect called a 'backdraft.' a backdraft is a situation which can occur when a fire is starved of oxygen; consequently combustion ceases but the fuel gases and smoke remain at high temperature. If oxygen is re-introduced to the fire, eg. by opening a door to a closed room, combustion can restart often resulting in an explosive effect as the gases heat and expand.

well, i wrote a note two days ago entitled 'tests and trials.' as a result of this note, i have recieved 'backdraft' on today. on my pastoral anniversary of all days. on a day of remembering, acknowledgment and celebration, comes combustible backdraft from a person i've sacrificed for and given my heart to (by the way, let me stop here and say be careful who you give your heart to. it is precious and has no defense). i was hoping for a word of encouragement or an expression of love from this person on today, however that was not the case. isnt it strange that the people you give the most to and sacrifice the most for are usually the ones to hurt you the most and on the deepest level. so now, even after being falsely accused in the middle of the night the other night, now i am being ridiculed and reprimanded on today. when will it ever end? or when will people ever change? when will people start to see, think and speak the good they have experienced or even the good they desire instead of looking for, thinking and speaking the negative the majority of the time? ...

note: we create the world we live in by the words we speak. just as God did in genesis chapter one when creating the world. he spoke it into being. the atmosphere responds to our announcements (a heart responds and resonates with what it hears). what we speak is a result of what we think. so what we think is ultimately the structure of our words and therefore the structure of our worlds. the Word itself says in proverbs 23:7 that as a man thinks in his heart, so is he.

i have learned that what is in us will come out of us. proverbs 4:23-24.

i have also learned that you cannot change people. we are who we are and will continue to be ourselves until we are willing and ready to change. i have been here myself and see it in others all the time. so what do you do in the meantime?

well, when people lash out at you, more often than not, they are unhappy within themselves. someone once said, hurting people hurt people. few will ever admit it, so dont expect them to, but at least you know where they are more than likely coming from and can respond accordingly, Biblically. the Word says to love, bless, do good to and pray for those that do you wrong - matthew 5:44... just as Jesus did in his life and even more poignantly as he gave example of doing while being led to calvary and on the cross.

i know, i know, it is hard to do. it takes a second thought, and sometimes a third or fourth, because we in and of ourselves want to lash out, get back, set straight and prove them wrong, while at the same time prove ourselves right. it is the natural sinful self way. it is what theologians call the 'adamic nature.' it is the adam in us. the orginal sin from the orginal sinner showing up and showing out in us. however, it is not Gods way or design or desire. therefore, it is not blessed when we do it nor will it bring blessing to our lives. as a matter of fact, we lose all the 'inner spirit' blessings when we do. the 'inner spirit' blessings are found in galatians 5:22-23. conversely, we gain the 'inner spirit' blessings when we respond Godly according to the Word.

try not to take it personal. spritually, its really not them, but the enemy having his way with them. i know it is almost impossible to do because that is the way we immediately feel, but God will give you the empowerment of the Holy Spirit to do so, moment by moment. however, it is a choice. we choose to act and either react or respond in the manner that we do (oh, how many times have i written an email but deleted it. typed a text but changed it before sending it or even just caught my thoughts before they became words in a conversation knowing once they were out i could never take them back in). it is all a choice. it is our choice to put down and speak down to others as much it is our choice to empathize with and encourage others.

remember, what you do to others will eventually come back around full circle and be done to you. so if you lie on somebody, you will be lied on. if you cheat on somebody, expect to be cheated on. if you talk down to people, dont be surprised when somebody talks down to you. yet, if you encourage, support and love on someone, look forward to love, support and encouragement coming back to you, and usually when you least expect it but also when you need it the most. our actions have reactions. our seeds sown will bring a harvest to reap. so often i heard growing up this phrase, 'sow the wind and reap the whirlwind.' meaning, whatever you sow, no matter how little it may be (as a seed is), when it comes back around to you, it will come back in a multiplied form, lots more of (as a harvest is)!

if you want love, sow love. if you want encouragement, speak encouragement. if you want money, give money. if you want a friend, be a friend. remember, the 'backdraft' is coming. and it will 'explode' into your life! so fuel your fire with good and Godly thoughts, words and actions and watch God bless you in like manner in return.

i encourage you today to show love and not hate. show compassion and not disdain. give warmth and kindness and not be cold and condemning. you never know what tomorrow will bring. just think, what if it were the last conversation you where to have, or the last time you were to hear their voice or the last time you were to see them? what if? what memory will they be left with? what words will they hear ringing in their mind over and over again? what feeling will they have everytime they think of you? treat others the exact way you want to be treated, along with giving them what they need, and watch the change effect in your own life! ...ok, thats enough for now. gotta run, entourage is on!

your future is much greater than your past!
remember, you are greatly blessed, highly favored and deeply loved!


pastor p

Thursday, September 4, 2008


I am thankful...
4 God
4 Jesus
4 the Holy Spirit
4 amazing, loving and sacrifical parents
4 a dad who sacrifices and for a mom who nutures
4 a supportive and loving brother and sister
4 a gracious extended family
4 the Word
4 a wonderful 'home' church
4 all the people who call The Love Church their spiritual home
4 friends. real true genuine friends who have always been there, even when i didnt see them and never left
4 non judgmental family, friends and people n my life
4 blue sky
4 green grass
4 cool breezes
4 white sand beaches
4 water... i love the water! i want 2 live on some water
4 jets skis.... yes, jet skis
4 the cry of a new born baby
4 the smell of clean after a short summer rain
4 aromatic candles
4 a meal that makes you slow down and savor every bite
4 the electricity in a loving and knowing touch
4 the sensuality in a kiss
4 the warmth in a hug
4 a look that speaks volumes, silently
4 the feeling after a good 'shout' in church

i am thankful...
4 those who walked away
4 those who came 2 stay
4 those who walked away, recognized, apologized and came back... these r the ones i trust
4 those who are still in my life
4 those encouraged me
4 those who convicted me

i am thankful...
4 all my infirmities
4 all my infalities
4 they make me more of the person i am 2 become

i am thankful...
4 every hurt, pain and tear, because it only made things clear

i am thankful...
4 the word love
4 the noun love
4 the verb love
4 the feeling of love
4 the ability 2 love
4 the expressions of love
4 the experience in love
4 those who gave me love
4 those who loved me inspite of me, even 4 those who took their love away

i am thankful...
4 His virgin birth
4 His sinless life
4 His vicarious death
4 His borrowed burial
4 His overcoming resurrection
4 His triumphant ascension
4 His ultimate return

i am thankful...
4 forgiveness
4 the blood

i am thankful...
4 that which money cannot buy
4 which the body cannot
which the mind cannot reason
4 which emotions cannot corral

i am thankful...
4 that which we cannot see, that is most powerful and meaningful 2 me, the supernaturaland
4 that i am most thankful

Thank you Jesus!