Saturday, December 6, 2008

i believe

mark 9:23-24 Jesus said to him, "if you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes." 24 immediately the father of the child cried out and said with tears, "Lord, i believe; help my unbelief!"

have u ever wanted 2 believe somebody but just couldnt? u tried n ur mind but couldnt. the thoughts just didnt add up. u tried n ur emotions but couldnt. just didnt 'feel' them. u even tried n ur spirit but never experienced any peace about it.

have u ever believe and not believed at the same time? have you ever wanted to but couldnt? have you ever believed but doubted?

ive consistently heard my dad say, im just 'raising intelligent questions of the text.' may i raise an intelligent question of the text and our lives as well? is it really belief if we doubt? must we believe 100% for it 2 b belief? can we believe and doubt at the same time?

this text clearly shows us a man whom 'believed and doubted!' but what makes this text so interesting and inspiring is that this man is talking to Jesus! the man was saying in essence, ive gone as far as i can go in my human belief efforts, so Lord do what i cannot do, in the area of my belief struggle.

i honestly believe this man was saying to Jesus, if you find any area where my belief is weak and needs propping up, needs support, help me in that area! what if we genuinely asked the Lord to take us 2 higher levels n areas that we experience weakness and unbelief?

our human nature wants 2 doubt, but our spirit man wants 2 believe! the fight is on! who will win n ur life? nature or spirit? doubt or belief?

do u really believe God can heal? do you really believe God can mend ur marriage? Do u really believe God can restore ur ruptured relationship? do u really believe God can complete a makeover of ur mind, emotions and spirit? do u really believe u can change with the help of the Holy Spirit or r u destined 2 stay the same because of ur unbelief?

from the mind and mouth of the Master, we are encouraged 2 know that not just some things, or the things we are comfortable with or the things we like at any given moment and time, but all things are possible to those who believe! all things! do u believe that? all things!

the person u just walked out on, all things! the job u feel like giving up on, all things! the family member for whom u feel there is no hope, all things! look at urself n the mirror, thats right even u, all things!

whatever area it is of ur life that came 2 mind as u read this, by the power of the Holy Spirits leading, know with assurance and excitement that God can change it, if u only believe!

i dont know about u 2day, but i want 2 believe it can happen! i want 2 believe it can change! i want 2 believe i can change! i want 2 believe all things r possible! i want 2 believe!

can u imagine what kind of life u could live, and what kind of blessing u could b, if u only believed!... well, the next verse, verse 25 says that a miracle happened because somebody believed!

ur miracle is awaiting u 2day, if u just believe!

as we close out this year of '08 and the disappointments that u experienced, i am believing with u n '09 that ur miracle is going 2 happen! i believe with u and 4 u that what did not happen 4 u this year, will happen n a greater way next year! ur best is yet 2 come n u aint seen nothin' yet, just believe!

repeat this after me and then plant it n ur heart! Lord, i believe! Lord, i receive! amen! so let it b!


pastor p

oh yeah, and by the way, I BELIEVE!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

How 2 Handle Ur Heart During The Holidays

this is a season that is bipolar for many. yes, bipolar. we see signs of jolly everywhere we look but inward we have no joy. we hear jingles of happiness everywhere we go but inward we are sad and depressed.

this season is propagated as one big party, yet for many it is the darkest time of the year. 80% of all suicides occur between Thanksgiving and New Years. 75% of all heart attacks occur between Thanksgiving and New Years. The divorce rate rises and the incarceration rate rises between Thanksgiving and New Years because people do not understand how to handle their hearts during the holidays.

its not about another party, another drink or another romantic tryst. its not about what gifts you get or where you go, for you will still be the same person on the inside no matter what you receive or where you end up.

the problem with most of us is trilogistic (ha! i made up my own word! lol!) in nature. according to A. Louis Patterson, Jr., we wrestle with life. the noise of life, the hurry of life and the crowds of life. we are afraid to be quiet (silent), to be still and to be alone (single). we are afraid of this because of what we see in the mirror and know in our heart. simply put, we cant stand ourselves and like the verse says, we will 'condemn' ourselves in the heart. so then we try and fill the void with noise, hurry and crowds.

we cant stand and dont like ourselves because of who we are, where we are and what we do. in other words, we dont like our 'self', our situation or our sin.

we always find something about ourselves not to like. even those of us with God complexes have to admit, there is that thing about us we do not like.

we always find something about our situation about ourselves that we do not like. cant you hear yourself saying, i should have been farther along in life than this. or, i don't deserve this. or, i'm better than this. all because we do not like our situation.

we always find something about our sin that we do not like. have you ever knelt or sat down to pray and the enemy brings to your memory something you did that was displeasing to God? have you ever had flashbacks of past actions or thoughts. deeds that you have asked for forgiveness and have moved on from, sin.

stop condemning yourself and begin to cultivate confidence in your heart vs 21.

now, i can hear you thinking.... well, pastor p, how is this done? glad you asked...

the text gives us a number of ways to handle our hearts during the holidays...

1. replace lies with truth ...vs 19

the mind was made for truth.

unfortunately we live lives of fantasy over and beyond truth. we give more time to games shows, soap operas, dramas, comedies and cartoons than we do the Word and worship.

Jesus says
"I am the way, THE TRUTH, and the life..." John 14:6

"and you shall know THE TRUTH, and THE TRUTH shall set you free" John 8:32... if you want to be 'free' in your life, in your mind, in your emotions... know the truth!

give most of your hearts time this season to the Savior not Santa! God not gifts! the Master not money! the Prince of Peace not parties! .... so many of us are 'passing life by looking for life!'

as a matter of fact, if you've got somebody in your life who is constantly playing the lie role... replace them with the truth!

2. rest in His presence ...vs 19

the spirit was made for God

resting (communicating) with God is the power source to our lives. it goes beyond talking to Him, but allowing Him to talk to us...
"be still and know that I am God!" Psalm 46:10

the spirit was not made for another party! the spirit was not made for another dose of fantasy! the spirit was not made for another 'roll in the hay!'... the spirit was made for relationship with God!

i know some people who just cannot be still in His presence! just last week someone came knocking on my door, wanting to 'hit the town' because, and i quote, they were 'bored!'

that might be a sign that you need to sit still and rest in His presence!

3. recognize that God is greater ...vs 20

in mathematics there are many symbols... plus, minus, equal... but my favorite is GREATER THAN!

guess what, God is GREATER THAN anything or anyone in your life! He always 'tips the scales' in your favor!

God is GREATER THAN... your bills! your ailment! your worries! your job! your child! your husband! your wife! your problems! your broken dreams! your busted desires! .... you've heard it before, if your problem is not bigger (greater than) God raising a dead Jesus from the grave, He has already proven He can handle it! HE IS GREATER THAN!

do not let any-one or any-thing handle you heart in contrast to the Word! when you let God handle your heart, He's also got your back!

during this holiday season, and every other season of your life, you don't have to have another drink or find another party or lay down with another person to find peace and joy. it is in how you handle your heart. handle your heart with confidence and watch God do the rest!


pastor p