Monday, April 13, 2009

2009 Easter Weekend Of LOVE!

  • like my Morehouse brother and lead Pastor of Courageous Church in atlanta, georgia, i've had 'the runs' too, except all weekend! it's part consequence of the end of a 40-day fast, with the last 7 days doing nothing but water and a detox 'juice cocktail!' ...gotta love the prune juice! lol! :-)
  • this lent season fast has brought me closer to God than i have ever been, more sensitive to the leading, urging and even conviction of the Holy Spirit and less tolerable of things that are not of God, including negative attitudes and destructive behaviors!
  • i have also lost some weight! HA-LE-LU-JAH! LOL! during the last year or so, i have gained considerable weight due to the side effects of medication i 'was' taking but do not take anymore! decided to go 'cold turkey' and trust God for healing! ...SIDEBAR: you never know what a person is going thru or dealing with, privately. it is insensitve to speak before you know!
  • the physical goal? FINE IN '09! out summertime!

Ok, now that I have told you some personal stuff (you probably didn't want to hear - TMI!... but, if you would like the 'detox liquid diet' recipe, hit me up) let me share some tidbits about The Love Church's Easter Weekend!

  • friday noon, i had the privilege of speaking at the St John Church in grand prairie, texas where denny d. davis is the senior pastor. what a church! it was the traditional baptist 'seven last sayings' of Christ on the cross service. i had the 'third word.' - John 19:26-27 paraphrased 'when Jesus saw His mother and the disciple standing there at the cross, He said 26 'Woman, behold your son' and to the disciple whom He loved, 'Son, behold your mother.' 27 And from that moment forward that disciple took her to his own home.'
  • i continue 2 b n awe @ how God uses me, when i know i do not deserve it. it brings me 2 tears everytime.
  • friday nite kicked off Easter Weekend Of LOVE for the church with a showing of the record breaking 'The Passion Of The Christ!' producer mel gibson, hit this one out of the park! you cannot watch this movie with an open heart and mind and not be moved in some way!
  • people were emotionally moved @ the graphic portrayal of the brutal treatment directed of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
  • a number of people shared their minds had been opened and their spirits had been touched by the pictoral demonstration of the suffering of Jesus, on the way 2 and on the cross!
  • the attendance was not what i would have liked, but the results 4 people there was all i could ever ask 4! ...we r looking @ better promoting the movie showing 4the month of april 2 coincide with the preaching series... Fireproof! ...u know i have 2 say this... it's gonna b FIYAH! (no pun intended! ok, yes it was! lol!)
  • men's breakfast @ furr's! shout out 2 furr's on 635N and centerville! discount time!
  • good attendance, great Bible lesson and said good food! ...i was on the last day of my 40-day fast! could only watch the men eat! ...the jackson 5 had a song out once, 'it's torture!' lol!
  • it is good when men, real men, can get 2gether, eat, fellowship, learn and share. it was a great time early n the morning!
Resurrection Sunday!...
  • i have been anticipating easter sunday morning all week! my spirit has been on FIYAH and ready 2 burn some stuff up!
  • the worship experience led by sister danetta turner and sis creshunda moore, 2 krazy anointed voices and spirits with krazy fire! they both sang as if their lives depended on it! the spirit was in the place!
  • sis yolandra johnson ministered 2 us through interpretive dance! her spirit of worship and anointing n dance is contagious! God moved the crowd thru her movements!
  • the children and youth presented a 'skit' that was disciplined and Bible based! no one 'messed up' their lines! they all spoke with clarity and authority! everyone represented! i am so proud of our children & youth and their continued growth n the Lord! great job sis lemmons!
  • i preached a sermon entitled 'I'm A Witness!' from John 19:26-27 when Jesus gave His mother 2 John and gave John 2 His mother... there are times n preaching when u feel it and when u don't. well, i felt it! lol! ...if one more person had 'bum-rushed' the pulpit, i would have gone running myself! was so good, they kept telling 2 go on and don't stop! :-)
  • i thank God 4 all who help tireless and unpaid 2 make each Sunday a success... the LOVE ambassadors, the source media team, the musicians (the LOVE pound!), the voices of judah praise team, the ministers and everyone who chips n when and wherever needed, with a smile and lots of LOVE!
  • we took time out 2 celebrate and remember the sacrifice of Jesus by taking communion. communion is always a sobering and cleansing experience. i thank God for a church full of hearts that seek Him, sincerely.
  • i love my church! there is non other like the LOVE church! it aint nothing but LOVE!
  • i salute all proclaimers who stood tall on easter to tell a dying world about a living Savior!
  • the church rolls on and Christ still lives! God is!...
  • THE LOVE CHURCH, there may b some bigger, but there ain't none better, because @ THE LOVE CHURCH we ain't got nothing but LOVE 4 u! ;-)
...remember, whatever u r facing n life, u r ...greatly blessed, highly favored and deeply loved!

livng in the love,
pastor p

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