Saturday, December 6, 2008
i believe
have u ever wanted 2 believe somebody but just couldnt? u tried n ur mind but couldnt. the thoughts just didnt add up. u tried n ur emotions but couldnt. just didnt 'feel' them. u even tried n ur spirit but never experienced any peace about it.
have u ever believe and not believed at the same time? have you ever wanted to but couldnt? have you ever believed but doubted?
ive consistently heard my dad say, im just 'raising intelligent questions of the text.' may i raise an intelligent question of the text and our lives as well? is it really belief if we doubt? must we believe 100% for it 2 b belief? can we believe and doubt at the same time?
this text clearly shows us a man whom 'believed and doubted!' but what makes this text so interesting and inspiring is that this man is talking to Jesus! the man was saying in essence, ive gone as far as i can go in my human belief efforts, so Lord do what i cannot do, in the area of my belief struggle.
i honestly believe this man was saying to Jesus, if you find any area where my belief is weak and needs propping up, needs support, help me in that area! what if we genuinely asked the Lord to take us 2 higher levels n areas that we experience weakness and unbelief?
our human nature wants 2 doubt, but our spirit man wants 2 believe! the fight is on! who will win n ur life? nature or spirit? doubt or belief?
do u really believe God can heal? do you really believe God can mend ur marriage? Do u really believe God can restore ur ruptured relationship? do u really believe God can complete a makeover of ur mind, emotions and spirit? do u really believe u can change with the help of the Holy Spirit or r u destined 2 stay the same because of ur unbelief?
from the mind and mouth of the Master, we are encouraged 2 know that not just some things, or the things we are comfortable with or the things we like at any given moment and time, but all things are possible to those who believe! all things! do u believe that? all things!
the person u just walked out on, all things! the job u feel like giving up on, all things! the family member for whom u feel there is no hope, all things! look at urself n the mirror, thats right even u, all things!
whatever area it is of ur life that came 2 mind as u read this, by the power of the Holy Spirits leading, know with assurance and excitement that God can change it, if u only believe!
i dont know about u 2day, but i want 2 believe it can happen! i want 2 believe it can change! i want 2 believe i can change! i want 2 believe all things r possible! i want 2 believe!
can u imagine what kind of life u could live, and what kind of blessing u could b, if u only believed!... well, the next verse, verse 25 says that a miracle happened because somebody believed!
ur miracle is awaiting u 2day, if u just believe!
as we close out this year of '08 and the disappointments that u experienced, i am believing with u n '09 that ur miracle is going 2 happen! i believe with u and 4 u that what did not happen 4 u this year, will happen n a greater way next year! ur best is yet 2 come n u aint seen nothin' yet, just believe!
repeat this after me and then plant it n ur heart! Lord, i believe! Lord, i receive! amen! so let it b!
pastor p
oh yeah, and by the way, I BELIEVE!
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
How 2 Handle Ur Heart During The Holidays
this season is propagated as one big party, yet for many it is the darkest time of the year. 80% of all suicides occur between Thanksgiving and New Years. 75% of all heart attacks occur between Thanksgiving and New Years. The divorce rate rises and the incarceration rate rises between Thanksgiving and New Years because people do not understand how to handle their hearts during the holidays.
its not about another party, another drink or another romantic tryst. its not about what gifts you get or where you go, for you will still be the same person on the inside no matter what you receive or where you end up.
the problem with most of us is trilogistic (ha! i made up my own word! lol!) in nature. according to A. Louis Patterson, Jr., we wrestle with life. the noise of life, the hurry of life and the crowds of life. we are afraid to be quiet (silent), to be still and to be alone (single). we are afraid of this because of what we see in the mirror and know in our heart. simply put, we cant stand ourselves and like the verse says, we will 'condemn' ourselves in the heart. so then we try and fill the void with noise, hurry and crowds.
we cant stand and dont like ourselves because of who we are, where we are and what we do. in other words, we dont like our 'self', our situation or our sin.
we always find something about ourselves not to like. even those of us with God complexes have to admit, there is that thing about us we do not like.
we always find something about our situation about ourselves that we do not like. cant you hear yourself saying, i should have been farther along in life than this. or, i don't deserve this. or, i'm better than this. all because we do not like our situation.
we always find something about our sin that we do not like. have you ever knelt or sat down to pray and the enemy brings to your memory something you did that was displeasing to God? have you ever had flashbacks of past actions or thoughts. deeds that you have asked for forgiveness and have moved on from, sin.
stop condemning yourself and begin to cultivate confidence in your heart vs 21.
now, i can hear you thinking.... well, pastor p, how is this done? glad you asked...
the text gives us a number of ways to handle our hearts during the holidays...
1. replace lies with truth ...vs 19
the mind was made for truth.
unfortunately we live lives of fantasy over and beyond truth. we give more time to games shows, soap operas, dramas, comedies and cartoons than we do the Word and worship.
Jesus says "I am the way, THE TRUTH, and the life..." John 14:6
"and you shall know THE TRUTH, and THE TRUTH shall set you free" John 8:32... if you want to be 'free' in your life, in your mind, in your emotions... know the truth!
give most of your hearts time this season to the Savior not Santa! God not gifts! the Master not money! the Prince of Peace not parties! .... so many of us are 'passing life by looking for life!'
as a matter of fact, if you've got somebody in your life who is constantly playing the lie role... replace them with the truth!
2. rest in His presence ...vs 19
the spirit was made for God
resting (communicating) with God is the power source to our lives. it goes beyond talking to Him, but allowing Him to talk to us... "be still and know that I am God!" Psalm 46:10
the spirit was not made for another party! the spirit was not made for another dose of fantasy! the spirit was not made for another 'roll in the hay!'... the spirit was made for relationship with God!
i know some people who just cannot be still in His presence! just last week someone came knocking on my door, wanting to 'hit the town' because, and i quote, they were 'bored!'
that might be a sign that you need to sit still and rest in His presence!
3. recognize that God is greater ...vs 20
in mathematics there are many symbols... plus, minus, equal... but my favorite is GREATER THAN!
guess what, God is GREATER THAN anything or anyone in your life! He always 'tips the scales' in your favor!
God is GREATER THAN... your bills! your ailment! your worries! your job! your child! your husband! your wife! your problems! your broken dreams! your busted desires! .... you've heard it before, if your problem is not bigger (greater than) God raising a dead Jesus from the grave, He has already proven He can handle it! HE IS GREATER THAN!
do not let any-one or any-thing handle you heart in contrast to the Word! when you let God handle your heart, He's also got your back!
during this holiday season, and every other season of your life, you don't have to have another drink or find another party or lay down with another person to find peace and joy. it is in how you handle your heart. handle your heart with confidence and watch God do the rest!
pastor p
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
i know, i know... to all you 'backseat' doctors and nurses, i should be in the bed and asleep if not just resting after being released from the hospital today BUT i was awakened and summoned to let this one flow... i tried to turn back over but... i tried to take a bathroom break and shrug it off but... i tried to raid the fridge (tony and those frosted flakes were callin my name... al!!) and go back 2 bed but...
so since im here, up and typing here is whats in my spirit... i fell asleep praying, thanking God for the day, the events this weekend and my life. in that, i saw off my mom and lil sister back to houston, noted and thanked God for all who reached out, called, texted, emailed and did anything for me while i was going thru this weekend and last night... i am so sentimental, emotional, thankful and greatful for many things, but most importantly, relationship.
i am thankful for relationships on all levels. aquaintances, friendly, familial and personal.
while talking to a pastor friend of mine on saturday night, supporting each other in sermon preparation and encouraging each other for sunday morning, he shared with me this scripture. 2 corinthians 1:2 in the message bible.
well, needless to say, i viewed all events this weekend thru the positive prism of this scripture. God gives us everythng we need and makes us everything we are to be. wow! simply wow! what a positive, affirming, reaffirming and confirming scripture.
it is a statement of surety. it is a statement of certainty. what God has for me it is for me. whom God has for me to be, i will become. i have it all. i am goin to be all.
i can be sure that whatever transpires in my life, i am SURE God is going to give me what i need! no doubt, no defeat (in the words of my father... no negotiation, debate or discussion!). its a done deal. he will give what i need. i got what i need, because ive got him. i do not just have the resource, but i a connect with the source himself!
i can be sure that whatever transpires in my life, i am CERTAIN Godis going to make me who i am to be. i will transform. i will come into my own. you will mature into the man God has for you to be. you will grow into the woman God has for you to be. i am glad that it is God and not i, that will perform and bring to pass what he has put in me.
well, my spirit and thoughts expanded into the realm of interpersonal relationships between men and women in particular.
three things just kept ringing in my spirit and the bell got louder as the night got older... in a nutshell and outline form, here is what is in my spirit mind...
God will give... everything that i need
resources that will sustain / for what you need to accomplish
God will give... everything that i want
relationship that is specific / for you to you
God will give... everthing that i am to do
reason that is significant / for the specific relationship / for his sovereign will, wants and design
this is played out in the opening pages of Genesis in the garden with adam and eve.
resources. everything i need. God gave adam a garden. an entire area filled with resources. God gave adam animals, trees and land. each supporting and sustaining the life of the other. each interdependent on the other. the land fed the trees and the animals. the trees fed the animals and the man. and then the cycle comes full circle and commences again. it is what i like to call 'circular support.' each kept giving to the gain of the next. adam had all he needed to support himself and then some, including his future.
men, here me now. God gives what we need not just for us, but to support our future. the resources are for us and for beyond us. he had enough for himself and for whom God was about to send him and for what they were both assigned to do.
relationship. everything i want. God gave adam eve. note God did not give adam samantha or nicole. God gave adam eve. eve was specifically for adam. adam had it all in the garden God gave, except the intimate interpersonal relationship one needs with another in order to become all that they are to be. remember, the bible says in genesis that eve was to be adams help meet, help mate, a mate who helps.
note: sometimes in life, whom we so desire and are focused on 'being there' for us may not just be whom God has in mind and in store to 'be there' for us. so many times we bump heads with God because of our selfish desires and limited vision for our lives. we so often live in the now and the sensual. those things we can see, feel, taste and hear. however, God works in the spiritual, knowing whats best beyond our selfish senses. sometimes he will take somebody out of our lives in order to accomplish his will in our lives. he may bring them back or he may not. in the meantime, we are to remain faithful and stay righteous, just as adam did, until God moves again. then we are to be receptive and excited about what he does in our lives. whether it is to reconnect or to release, it is our responsibility to recieve his will for our lives.
God gave adam eve, who had the spirit and skill, as a matter of fact, the right spirit and requisite skill sets to be what adam needed her to be. there is someone out there who is a compliment to you and not a competition. there is someone out there who is a support and not strain. there is someone out there who is an encourager and not an endangerer. there is someone out there who will route for you, cheer for you, talk you up and push you along. there is someone out there who will lift you and not let you fall. there is someone who will respect you and not disrespect you. there is someone just for you.
reason. everything i am to do. God gave adam and eve a reason. together they were to tender the garden, be fruitful and multiply and have constant, intimate relationship with God himself. now this for us today is not about the technical specific instructions as much as it is to find your place in life with another whom God has given you to accomplish the assignment God has given you both.
in a larger sense, we are all to do and be what both adam and eve were. we are to first be responsible with what God has given us. we are to multiply, grow or mature what God has given us, outside and inside of us. we are treasure, invest and relish in the relationship we have with him as well, primarily.
i am thankful for the opportunities in my life to do just these things with whom i was in relationship with. i long and look forward to be able to share and give in this type of relationship even now. when it happens, it is goin to be on and poppin! and her, like thicke, u got it, i got it, we got that magic yeah! (gotta be up on it to know what that is! ha!)
i am back to where i started now... God gives you everything you need, makes you everything you are to be.
everything means lacking nothing. nothing. no - thing and no - one.... there is so much i want to say about this, but just not in this note. though like general patton, i shall return. sleep is creeping up on me now. time for a breathing treatment as i watch the end of law & order and doze off into the early morning night. i hear the sheep now...
goodnite all. goodnite love.
pastor p
Thursday, September 25, 2008
well, i wrote a note two days ago entitled 'tests and trials.' as a result of this note, i have recieved 'backdraft' on today. on my pastoral anniversary of all days. on a day of remembering, acknowledgment and celebration, comes combustible backdraft from a person i've sacrificed for and given my heart to (by the way, let me stop here and say be careful who you give your heart to. it is precious and has no defense). i was hoping for a word of encouragement or an expression of love from this person on today, however that was not the case. isnt it strange that the people you give the most to and sacrifice the most for are usually the ones to hurt you the most and on the deepest level. so now, even after being falsely accused in the middle of the night the other night, now i am being ridiculed and reprimanded on today. when will it ever end? or when will people ever change? when will people start to see, think and speak the good they have experienced or even the good they desire instead of looking for, thinking and speaking the negative the majority of the time? ...
note: we create the world we live in by the words we speak. just as God did in genesis chapter one when creating the world. he spoke it into being. the atmosphere responds to our announcements (a heart responds and resonates with what it hears). what we speak is a result of what we think. so what we think is ultimately the structure of our words and therefore the structure of our worlds. the Word itself says in proverbs 23:7 that as a man thinks in his heart, so is he.
i have learned that what is in us will come out of us. proverbs 4:23-24.
i have also learned that you cannot change people. we are who we are and will continue to be ourselves until we are willing and ready to change. i have been here myself and see it in others all the time. so what do you do in the meantime?
well, when people lash out at you, more often than not, they are unhappy within themselves. someone once said, hurting people hurt people. few will ever admit it, so dont expect them to, but at least you know where they are more than likely coming from and can respond accordingly, Biblically. the Word says to love, bless, do good to and pray for those that do you wrong - matthew 5:44... just as Jesus did in his life and even more poignantly as he gave example of doing while being led to calvary and on the cross.
i know, i know, it is hard to do. it takes a second thought, and sometimes a third or fourth, because we in and of ourselves want to lash out, get back, set straight and prove them wrong, while at the same time prove ourselves right. it is the natural sinful self way. it is what theologians call the 'adamic nature.' it is the adam in us. the orginal sin from the orginal sinner showing up and showing out in us. however, it is not Gods way or design or desire. therefore, it is not blessed when we do it nor will it bring blessing to our lives. as a matter of fact, we lose all the 'inner spirit' blessings when we do. the 'inner spirit' blessings are found in galatians 5:22-23. conversely, we gain the 'inner spirit' blessings when we respond Godly according to the Word.
try not to take it personal. spritually, its really not them, but the enemy having his way with them. i know it is almost impossible to do because that is the way we immediately feel, but God will give you the empowerment of the Holy Spirit to do so, moment by moment. however, it is a choice. we choose to act and either react or respond in the manner that we do (oh, how many times have i written an email but deleted it. typed a text but changed it before sending it or even just caught my thoughts before they became words in a conversation knowing once they were out i could never take them back in). it is all a choice. it is our choice to put down and speak down to others as much it is our choice to empathize with and encourage others.
remember, what you do to others will eventually come back around full circle and be done to you. so if you lie on somebody, you will be lied on. if you cheat on somebody, expect to be cheated on. if you talk down to people, dont be surprised when somebody talks down to you. yet, if you encourage, support and love on someone, look forward to love, support and encouragement coming back to you, and usually when you least expect it but also when you need it the most. our actions have reactions. our seeds sown will bring a harvest to reap. so often i heard growing up this phrase, 'sow the wind and reap the whirlwind.' meaning, whatever you sow, no matter how little it may be (as a seed is), when it comes back around to you, it will come back in a multiplied form, lots more of (as a harvest is)!
if you want love, sow love. if you want encouragement, speak encouragement. if you want money, give money. if you want a friend, be a friend. remember, the 'backdraft' is coming. and it will 'explode' into your life! so fuel your fire with good and Godly thoughts, words and actions and watch God bless you in like manner in return.
i encourage you today to show love and not hate. show compassion and not disdain. give warmth and kindness and not be cold and condemning. you never know what tomorrow will bring. just think, what if it were the last conversation you where to have, or the last time you were to hear their voice or the last time you were to see them? what if? what memory will they be left with? what words will they hear ringing in their mind over and over again? what feeling will they have everytime they think of you? treat others the exact way you want to be treated, along with giving them what they need, and watch the change effect in your own life! ...ok, thats enough for now. gotta run, entourage is on!
your future is much greater than your past!
remember, you are greatly blessed, highly favored and deeply loved!
pastor p
Thursday, September 4, 2008
4 God
4 Jesus
4 the Holy Spirit
4 amazing, loving and sacrifical parents
4 a dad who sacrifices and for a mom who nutures
4 a supportive and loving brother and sister
4 a gracious extended family
4 the Word
4 a wonderful 'home' church
4 all the people who call The Love Church their spiritual home
4 friends. real true genuine friends who have always been there, even when i didnt see them and never left
4 non judgmental family, friends and people n my life
4 blue sky
4 green grass
4 cool breezes
4 white sand beaches
4 water... i love the water! i want 2 live on some water
4 jets skis.... yes, jet skis
4 the cry of a new born baby
4 the smell of clean after a short summer rain
4 aromatic candles
4 a meal that makes you slow down and savor every bite
4 the electricity in a loving and knowing touch
4 the sensuality in a kiss
4 the warmth in a hug
4 a look that speaks volumes, silently
4 the feeling after a good 'shout' in church
i am thankful...
4 those who walked away
4 those who came 2 stay
4 those who walked away, recognized, apologized and came back... these r the ones i trust
4 those who are still in my life
4 those encouraged me
4 those who convicted me
i am thankful...
4 all my infirmities
4 all my infalities
4 they make me more of the person i am 2 become
i am thankful...
4 every hurt, pain and tear, because it only made things clear
i am thankful...
4 the word love
4 the noun love
4 the verb love
4 the feeling of love
4 the ability 2 love
4 the expressions of love
4 the experience in love
4 those who gave me love
4 those who loved me inspite of me, even 4 those who took their love away
i am thankful...
4 His virgin birth
4 His sinless life
4 His vicarious death
4 His borrowed burial
4 His overcoming resurrection
4 His triumphant ascension
4 His ultimate return
i am thankful...
4 forgiveness
4 the blood
i am thankful...
4 that which money cannot buy
4 which the body cannot
which the mind cannot reason
4 which emotions cannot corral
i am thankful...
4 that which we cannot see, that is most powerful and meaningful 2 me, the supernaturaland
4 that i am most thankful
Thank you Jesus!
Thursday, August 28, 2008
where are the michelle obamas?
let me say this up front, i am simply enamored with michelle obama and her very public, visible and without shame or fear, reverence, respect and deep love 4 her husband barack. her public displays of affection. it is simply enthralling 2 watch her eyes light up and her smile widen and beam like a ray of sunshine after a short light rain that clears the air, when he enters the room, or n this case, pepsi field.
as i watched her response and reaction 2 him, i sat n envy and n wonton desire 2 have such a woman who would act n such a way 2 me. she alone, n a crowd of thousands, was his biggest cheerleader and most ardent fan. nobody smiled wider, nobody clapped harder, nobody cheered louder, nobody was up on their feet quicker, nobody looked prouder than michelle obama. i bet when barack entered 2nite at the end of bidens speech, if she could have jumped the rafters and bolted down 2 the stage 2 engulf her man with a full body hug and congratulatory kiss, she would have. the power of non verbal communication is incalcuable and priceless.
now catch this, she is accomplished n her own right. all by herself. intelligent. articulate. stylish. charismatic. confident. harvard trained, yet she still deferes 2 her man. she still looks @ him like he is the next best thing since sliced bread. she still touches him like they r teenagers n puppy love. she still smiles, looks him n the eye and listens when he speaks.
all women should take note and keep reference. i believe @ least half of the reason mr barack is where he is 2day, if not more, is because of the 'backing' of mrs michelle, not the berating. 2 many women tear their men down n private, disrespect their men n public and wontoningly carry on about their men 2 his face on a daily basis and wonder why he is the way he is, and things r the way they r. if u want 2 get there n life, wherever there is 4 u, get urself 2gether, find ur place and do ur man right!... u just might end up being 'first lady.'
women, u must understand that u have miraculous powers. u can either build a man up or tear a man down. u can either raise a man 2 heights he has never known or drown a man 2 depths he has never seen, simply by ur support or non-support, both verbal and nonverbal. most macho men will never admit this without being threatened but... a woman has the power 2 lift a man or let him fall. a woman has the power 2 push a man forward or drag a man backward.
even the Bible says n Proverbs (21:9) that it is better 2 live on a corner of the roof than 2 share a house with a quarreling woman!
her actions and words r the catalyst 4 us 2 compete, the encouragement 4 us 2 engage, the power 4 us 2 perform and the will 4 us 2 war! so often we get and gain our inner strength, speaking humanly now, from the woman who believes n us, despite us. she knows us yet she has faith n us. if she says we can, we believe we can and most times we do. there r fewer sweeter words than 'honey, i believe n u!' the lights can be cut off, the car can repossessed and the house can be foreclosed on, but if she says everything is alright, i know ur doing ur best and things will get better, i am with u to the end, we will do our d****st to make it happen! the old tried and worn phrase is true, behind or besides, whichever is ur fancy, every good man is a better woman! ha! gotcha on that one! but a formidable truism nonetheless.
as the young urban crooner ne-yo sung 'im a movement by myself, but im a force when we're 2gether. u make me better.'
i want my michelle obama!
Friday, August 22, 2008
a word about a wedding
who woulda thunk it? who would predicted it? who woulda believed it? from international playboy 2 committed husband ... yall did it!...
ive been waiting 2 write n post on the this feeling and the weekend itself, yet everytime i sat down 2 pen, i could not contain my thoughts n feelings 2 words n keystrokes... even now, this is difficult 2 transcribe.i will b back later with a 'tim russert' type no holds barred eyewitness report of the haps... but 4 now, let it b known i havent been this excited n a long time . i recieve happiness from seeing others happy n being blessed!
the support shown n the love expressed by corinth and many friends and well wishers from around the country was overwhelming. it was literally astounding! i must admit i was sadly surprised by the conspicuous absence of a few whom i thought would have been n attendence, if 4 no other reason than simple relationship. u can tell who is n ur corner when u r experiencing things n life that mean the most 2 u by who is there. yes many come 4 many varied reasons. i call them 'wedding watchers.' ...some come 2 criticize, others 2 critique and still others 2 compare. others come 2b nosey, while still others 2b known that they were there. however, some come 2 genuinely celebrate with u n ur season. these r the people we need more of n our lives. christian celebrators not holy haters.
4 the christian celebrators, the faces, smiles, voices and touches i recieved, felt and saw this weekend (from folks who were there) i will never 4get n will always b treasured n my heart and mind. i have lost a measure of respect 4 some, but i have n turn gained a higher level of respect 4 some others. our pastor has taught us over the years, n iv heard it endlessly @ home growing up, that just ur presence is powerful, 4 it alone speaks volumes. conversely, ones absence is just as powerful and it 2 speaks volumes... ok, enuf of that...
4 everyone who helped 2 make the night special for my little brother and his bride, i thank you from my heart. i applaud you from my spirit. u not only made it special 4 them, but u also made it so very special 4 my mom n dad and 4 me... if u could hug each of u i would.
i shall return when the feeling is flowin' 2 give u the patterson paparrazi version of the rock star weekend...
till then... live like ur n love, everyday!
remember, u r greatly blessed, highly favored and deeply loved!
pastor p
hip hop 4 hiv
2 lure the youngsters out, called 'testing 4 tickets,' the sponsors r hosting a concert on the steps of dallas city hall with some of the hottest hip hop artists 2 date. david banner, mike jones, bun b, young berg, day 26 and more, including local artists as well. i did see the local rapper coming up King's wrapped chevrolet tahoe. he is a resident of my community ssol (south side on lamar), a great guy and family man. go support king.
i am encouraged 2 c education and awaressness being raised n our community. the parking lot was full even across the street at madison high and the lines were outside the door. channel 11 news was on hand to lend media support as well as 94.5 and 104.5.
from the dallas city hall website, here some startling statistics concerning aids nationally, state-wide and in our city...
HIV/AIDS Statistics
• U.S. – About 1.2 million Americans are living with HIV/AIDS. New technology shows that the incidence of HIV is higher than previously known (with estimates at 56,300, rather than the originalestimate of 40,000, new HIV diagnoses each year). It is estimated that 25% of those infected with HIVdo not know it.
• State of Texas – over 60,000 Texans are living with HIV/AIDS, with about 5,000 new HIV diagnoseseach year
• Dallas County – over 13,000 in Dallas County are living with HIV/AIDS, with over 700 new HIV casesreported last year (2007).
aids is a silent killer n our communtiy whereas most carriers r unaware they have the disease. many pass it on to unsuspecting others thru irresponsible behavior and pure ignorance. unfortunately, more often than not, those who do know their status and are positive, cannot afford the exhorbitant prices of the medical cocktails of pills and treatment available. not must we raise awareness, but we must also lower costs for treatments for the average human being. if it can be affordable in africa, it can be made affordable in these united states.
the person you r grinding on a whim, 'hooking up with' on the sly, doing whenever they come to town, dating, engaged 2 or even married 2 just may b a carrier of the disease. u cannot simply 'look' at someone and judge whether or not they have the disease. it is known 2 even lie dormant n the body on an average of 7 yrs b4 becoming active n the body. professionals recommend being tested every 6 months.i encourage u 2 respect urself and get tested. if not then 4 urself, 4 whomever else enters ur life and their loved ones. think beyond urself. ur status affects more than just u. life is more than just u!
however, this 'pre' awareness is great n that it gives one the opportunity 2 engage n preventive action. self awareness, responsible action and disease education r great deterrents 2 contracting the disease. my prayer is that this is more than a concert 4 the throngs of youth i saw who were standing n the heat 2 get tested 2 get a ticket. my hope is that this ticket is entree n2 a proactive lifestyle of positive and informed choices and responsible behavior.
many kudos and 'big ups' 2 mayor tom leppert, mayor pro tem dwaine caraway and his 'teen summit' initiative 4 taking a stance and showing concern 4 our community. mr caraway is a non-stop community changing machine and a political dynamo. also 2 rickey smiley who is always on the grind n the community, concerned about the people and making a tangible difference n the lives of many. the lives that will b saved as a result of this effort cannot b counted nor can a price tag affixed 2 them. there is a 'fresh wind' blowing thru dallas city hall and it is cool and refreshing. soon the deserts of many forgotten or simply neglected communities will become oasises of pride and progression because of the work of few who still believe n a better future 4 all dallasites.
ps. u guys know i love pictures but my digital cameras battery was depleted. i took a picture with my sidekick phone but cant download it 2 my computure! ... ill keep trying! :-)
live, laugh and love 4 life is not promised!
pastor p
Monday, August 4, 2008
Laying To Rest A G.O.A.T.
Dr. C A W Clark was a redwood among grass. Someone said today in their eulogistic remarks that he was short in stature but he cast a long shadow that covered generations. I am one, in the many of the multitudes, who resided in the blessings of the shadow of Dr Clark.
Dr Clark was that unusual phenomenon in humanity that only comes along every so often. One whom is so gifted and graced by God that even his peers do not try to emulate him. They just marveled at him. however, generations since him, have dissected, copied and emulated his style, tenor and tone to preaching. As younger preachers, we were amazed at Dr Clark. he was a godfather of preaching. As older preachers, we are most thankful for a man like Dr Clark, he is a friend to all.
He is so unique, and a rarified phenomenon that he is studied in the halls of academia in the highest eschelon. How can a 7th grade drop out now have students at Harvard University studying his life, his preaching prowess and preaching style? From missing school and being unable to procede beyond the 7th grade because of the economic need to pick cotton, to the top eschelon of ivory halls in academic excellence at the highest level.
His use of the english language is only as remarkable as he was a stutterer as a youngster. Yet, across the nation and even the globe, throngs came to hear him preach. I remember going to the national convention as a yongster with my parents, just like it was yesterday, and going to hear Dr Clark preach. There was always only standing room only, people lined around the walls and standing out in the foyers and hallways just to hear him preach. he drew crowds like a moth to a flame. The anointing that exuded from this man as he preached is something I have not experienced on that level, in such a huge venue, since. The atmosphere was charged with the electricty of the Holy Ghost! I remember saying to myself then, that's what I want to happen when I preach!
He was both an economist and an artist of words. Dr. William J Shaw, President of the National Baptist Convention, USA, Inc. said today during the eulogy that Dr Clark 'never wasted words.' When Dr Clark spoke, for those of you old enough to remember, he was like E F Hutton, when he spoke, people listened. Really listened. We hung on his every word.
In college, he would come to the North Antioch Missionary Baptist Church, where Dr Cameron Alexander is Pastor, once a year for revival. My friends and i, who are now young pastors, never missed a night. In the middle of exams, we where there every night. Sitting in the balcony, amazed at the artistry, imagination and anointing of this man. We wanted to preach like Ceasar! We got our hands on every tape, every video, every manuscript that we could. My friend jamal actually broke the tape in the cassette one night while we listened to Dr Clark, because he had played it so much, the tape just popped!
I am a recipient of 'generational blessings.' I have been privilaged to meet and have relationship with people without whom the relationship wth my father, would not have been. For this i am grateful, simply because it is of no fault of mine and i am so undeserving. Since being in dallas, Dr Clark was one of those blessings. I would go and sit and talk, well really listen, to Dr Clark on many occassions. The depth of his wisdom was deeper than the sea beds. His derth of knowledge in things spiritual and practical was beyond a blessing to me. He and the late Dr E K Bailey, were both the guiding forces for me here in Dallas, through my crucible at another church, for which I will forever be indebted to the both of them.
I have been privileged to even preach in the great pulpit and tall steeple of his church, the Goodstreet Missionary Baptist Church on five or six occassions. Dr Clark was a friend to youung preachers. For this I am also grateful and thankful. He has left an indelible imprint on my life that will never be erased.
I am thankful for his life, his preaching, his encouragement, his support, his wisdom, his jokes, his laughter and his smile.
Oh yeah, Isaid, I cried. i did. A friend of mine made joke about it today, but it was no laughing matter to me. But then again, he did not have a relationship nor the history that I was privileged to have with Dr Clark.... Leaving the church, headed to the cemetary, seeing the four horse drawn carriage that carried his body through the streets of Dallas brought tears to my eyes. Seeing cars stopped on the opposite side of the street and people getting out to take pictures of the procession brought tears to my eyes. Tsee people standing at attention in their yards and even one day care, charter school had their children and youth out in the front, standing, taking in the sights and sounds of this moment brought tears to my eyes. The regality of the moment did not escape me, as Dr Clark was royalty among preachers.
As I think about the days happenings and the life of Dr Clark, and how he has invested in my life, tears are now coming to my eyes. Goodnight on earth to you Dr Clark, but good morning to you in heaven, where God will wipe away the tears from all weeping eyes.
Everyday Like The Last!
we should take the attitude to live each day as if it is our last,for we know not the day, the hour or the minute when life will end. considering such, things that really matter begin 2 take precedence n life. the trivial becomes tiring and the mundane is boring. people become the most important priority n life. leaving a mark on people beomes ur utmost desire.
it is more than a selfish endeavor. living each moment as if it is ur last is not about getting what you can out of life, but it is about giving all that u have n this life, and then watching it float out on the waves of people, but come back on the tides of simple blessings.
when u live each day as if it is ur last, the simplest things n life become the most important. a smile from a stranger, the wind n ur face, the sun n ur eyes, the sounds of birds singing n the morning, the simple light touch of that special someone, a lyric that makes u cry, a beat that makes u move, the sound of ur mothers voice, the strength and comfort n ur dads hand, etc. etc.
never become complacent and 'couch potatoe'-ish about life! get out and grab life by the horns! CARPE DIEM! seize the day, the moment! dont let life pass u by, pass life on 2 someone else. encourage someone 2 b the best they can b, enlighten someone 2 know they r not alone n this world and n what they r going thru, empower someone 2 believe they can do it!
let someone know u love them, tell somebody how they influenced ur life, thank someone 2day 4 the smallest act of kindness, say thank u and please!... say their name n conversation!
LOVE someone, today!
hate and fight r signs of an empty and hurting person. sacrifice and humbleness r signs of a secure person. people who hold grudges are insecure about themselves and just need 2b loved on... love is putting urself 2nd 2 someone else... many never realize this or get 2 this realization n life UNTIL THEY HAVE MISSED OR LOST some of the best loves they could have ever had and end up missing out on TRUE love n someone else. dont b so consumed with urself that u miss what God is trying 2 give 2 u thru someone else!
iv finally learned the lesson of release (the human spirit so often wants 2 hold on2 everything that comes our way). its not easy and hurts deep, but some people n life WE r meant 2 love, but not necessarily recieve love back from them. our job is simply 2 model love 2 them, planting a seed that the Spirit will grow n them n time. love is...
well, that flow just slowed time 2 say goodbye 4 now...
remember, live everyday like it is ur last day! QUESTION: if this were ur last 24hrs, what would u do, where would u go and what would u say? the answer? THEN DO IT! call them! show up! say it! do it!...they just may b waiting 2 see u, hear u, feel u or just know u!
love, laugh and live!
a louis 3
greatly blessed, highly favored and deeply loved
'08 A Year Of New Beginnings
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Monumental Moments and History In The Making...
What an exciting time to be alive to witness the course of events as they unfold to create history. This primary process was already one of historical proportions from the very beginning. Out of the three viable candidates, the two Democrats and one Republican, whomever is elected would be a 'first' for America. Either the 'first' African-American, or the 'first' woman or the 'first' oldest ever President of the United States of America. This presidential election will be history making regardless of who is eventually elected.
However, what is most exciting, whether you agree with his platform or not, is the historical nature of the first seriously viable candidacy of a 'black' man for President. We must remember and concede that the prior three black candidacies for president of the United States were by and large symbolic in nature. Most are unaware of the candidacy in 1972 of Shirley Chisolm, the 1984 and 1988 runs of the Rev. Jesse Jackson and the 2004 run of Rev. Al Sharpton. These candidacies were by and large symbolic in nature, run to raise issues of race, class and social issues. Senator Obama's campaign has transcended race and class, thereby elevating him above the pettiness of color and class arguments. We have come to place to understand that the issues we face are bigger than governments and policies. We are facing a sin issue. A battle waged in the heavenlies in the spirit realm. It is a divine God thing verses being a sinful human being thing.
It was only 42 years ago, in 1965, that we gained the right to vote as African-Americans here in the United States, without having to pay a poll tax, or count the number of marbles or rocks in a jar, or the number of bubbles in a bar of soap or recite a passage from a poem or a book. We are only a single generation removed from being barred from hotels, restuarants, businesses, buses and even from using public water fountains or restrooms, simply because of the insidious ignorance of others in relation to the color of our skin. Our generation knows nothing of being attacked by fireman's water hoses or police dogs or being beaten with police batons. We are unfamiliar with being called 'boy' and 'nigger' on a consistent daily basis as a way of life. We have dealt with Jim Crow, Jr., which is a 'smile in your face but plot behind your back' and 'behind the scenes' form of Jim Crowism.
Anthony Samad, author and historian of 50 Years After Brown: The State Of Black Equality In America, said in a CNN interview that many see and view Senator Obama's groundbreaking achievement with 'cautious optimism' while others see it as a 'dream deferred' largely because many African-Americans really never expected to this type of political reciprocity so soon, in their lifetimes. Many still find it difficult to wrap their mind and emotions around the sheer significance of his accomplishment.
Rev. Jesse Jackson was quoted as calling Obama's surpassing of the number of delegates needed to clinch the nomination a 'transformational moment.' This is 40 years after Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr and 200 years after the abolition of the African slave trade. There is a timing significance associated with this monumental moment as well. Timing is imoportant in God's economy.
This is a season of change and new beginnings. It is a time of God doing things we have never seen before in our lives. I encourage each of us to believe in the Word of God and to appropriate His Word and to manifest His blessings in our lives. Get in on what God is doing in the earth and through people! Live out your faith, publicly, on purpose and with pride! Do not be ashamed to recognize and honor Him as Savior and Lord of your life. Expect the best from God in your life. Push your faith to the limit! Obey God no matter what or no matter who! Let your life become a testimony to the awesomeness and greatness of God!... The reality of all that is happening in the world now is that God can and wants to do much, much more than that! The apostle Paul says in the book of Ephesians that He is able to do exceedingly and abundantly, above all that you can think or imagine in your life, in your marriage, in your family, in your relationships, on your job, in your body, with your health, in your mind, in your emotions, in your education, in your experience and even in your finances. God wants to be God and do God things holistically in your life!
Whatever it is God has put in your spirit to be, do or accomplish, let this be your year! Your year to begin what God has already completed for your life! Go for broke with whatever it is! Believe God can do even more than what you are believing Him for! Spare no expense! Take no shorts! Get your 'Holy hustle' on, do all that you can do and watch God do the rest. Walk in faith! Talk with favor! When you show up you will find out He has already prepared the way! Don't just walk into your season, but run into your destiny! Somebody is waiting to be blessed by the blessing God has in store for you!
Let your life be the monumental moment and history in the making with God writing the script! He alone is the author and finisher of our faith! From cover to cover in our lives, it is all about Him!
See you on the blessed side!
Pastor P
Loving Life and Living To Love
2008 Year of New Beginnings!
Sunday, May 11, 2008
GIRLFRIENDS: Building Relationships That Last
The first installment is entitled, 'I'm Happy For You!' This sermon had to be broken into two parts, part 1 and part 2. Below is a skeleton of the outline for part 2 of 'I'm Happy For You! '
I pray that this will be a blessing to you as you read and meditate on the Word of God for yourself.
Dr. Gary Smalley, in his book The DNA Of Relationships says that 'Life is relationships; the rest is just details.'
In fact, we were created for relationship. God created us in His image for relationship. Relationship to Him and relationship to each other.
Adopted July, 4, 1776, the Declaration of Independence, considered to be the 'founding document' of the United States, drafted by Thomas Jefferson and edited by Benjamin Franklin, signed by the 56 delegates of Congress, declared the Thirteen Colonies in North America were "free and independent" states. The most famous phrase of this document is the paragraph that begins , "we find these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal, and have the inalienable right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness."
I want to suggest that true happiness for the Christian, comes when we are in right relationship with God and man.
Luke 1:39-56
I'm Happy For You!
Elizabeth, the wife of Zacharias, had to 'wait and work' for her blessing, while Mary, who was espoused to be married to Joseph, recieved a serendipitous blessing that she neither had to wait for nor work for. It was 'immediate and intimate.' Elizabeth was still 'happy' at the immediate and intimate blessing of her cousin although she had to 'work and wait' for hers.
We pick up the story as Mary, when she hears of the blessing of her cousin Elizabeth, travels to Judea to visit and spend time with her. We begin in vere 39... Here is where Mary shows us the importance of...
vs 39a 'At that time Mary got ready...'
a. Preparing to praise
vs 39b '...and hurried...'
b. Putting a priority on praise
vs 39c ' a town in the hill country of Judea.'
c. Going to a place of praise
In order to build a relationship that lasts, we should want a friend who...
1. Has Jesus on the inside of them vs 41
2. Is happy about what God has put inside of you vs 42
3. Who will stay with you thru seasons of struggle vs 56
Principle Observations:
Mary teaches us...
God has put in you a blessing that will be a blessing to others.
Elizabeth teaches us...
God has put in you a blessing that will prepare the way for another blessing.
Both women teach us...
God has put in you a blessing that will...
a. Help to save a soul
b. Hope to change your situation
c. Healing to transform your life
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
life is...
there have been some losses and some changes! My life is never dull nor static! It should become a reality show! i heard from a long lost friend...they are now married and about to have a baby!... how old memories came flooding back to my minds eye. How time flies! Isn't it amazing how much things change, things stay the same? The more people change, the more people stay the same!
I am amazed at how these blogs are being taken... yet, everyone is entitled to their own opinion, however right or wrong it may be. For me, this is simply an expression of a life lived to the fullest and in love with Jesus Christ. I am not here to preach, nor am I here to lay bare my life nor expose others. This is simply a running commentary on things I deem interesting as I love on this life!... it's been about a month and I have tales to tell!
Stay tuned!
Friday, March 7, 2008
I am closing my eyes now to await the awakening of a new day. Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning.
Heal me Lord. 2 Kings 20:5
I love you Lord. You are interested in me. You talk to me. You convict, cover and console me. You encourage me. You are there for me. You love me. I love you.
Thursday, March 6, 2008
A Serendipitous Blessing
God has a way of givng you just what you need, when you are at your lowest, to keep you going.
I recieved a call from a friend last night, asking if I would like to hear Dr. Cornel West today. What an encouragement as I was experiencing a valley low. I thank God for real, true friends. We are blessed in this life if we can call even a handful of people real, true friends. I have experienced in the past few months that those whom you thought would be with you till the end, in life, in ministry and in friendship, those who have given you their word on it, are usually the ones who will depart along the way.
Today I attended the St. Phillip's School and Community Center's Destiny Awards luncheon. Bearing the cold and rain, hundreds braved the weather and gathered at the Morton H. Meyerson Symphony Center to support the St. Phillips School and to honor some people and organizations who have embodied, sacrificed and given for the cause of empowering the underprivileged and the disenfranchised.
John McCain, anchor of local ABC affiliate, Channel 8 news, was a class act as master of ceremonies. Dr. Terry Flowers, Headmaster of St. Phillip's School, was an encouragement to the crowd, recognized as a visionary leader and as Dr. King described, 'A drum major for justice.' There was even a prayer by State Senator Royce West! The highlight of the event was guest speaker Dr. Cornel West, Professor of Religion and African American Studies at Princeton University. Dr. West has always been a favorite of mine. His grasp of the intricacies of the English language. His holistic view undertaken in love and cemented in Christ of the ills of our world, beseiging our community and in our hearts is breathtaking. His writings are intricate. His ideas are intimate. His voice is imperious, honored and respected by many. His fusion of ivory tower intellect and good 'ol down home, home spun wisdom is enlivening. To read one of his books is an adventure in and of itself. Not only will you need a dictionary to read it, it is mind expanding and vocabulary building, but you will experience new vistas of mental horizons as you are challenged to think and rethink what you thought you already knew. His writing, speaking and teaching "weave together the American traditions of the Baptist Church, transcendentalism, socialism and pragmatism. His best selling book, Race Matters, changed the course of America's dialogue on race, justice and demomcracy."
His speech today covered the gamut of old school jazz, rythmn and blues and hip-hop as it relates to influencing the current political, economic and familial circumstances of today. The underlying rythmn and backbeat note of the inner blues that trancends race, creed and color to find itself staining the hearts of both men and women in their everyday lives. His geo-political view is keen, his spiritual sensitivity is sharp and his articulation of both is pointed, personal and powerful.
This was my second time with the honor of hearing Dr. West speak in person and meeting him in person, while I have seen him many times on television and have read all of his books. He has been a 'mental mentor' from afar. I am continually amazed at his mind, its perspective and his expression of both. I had the opportunity to conversate with him afterwards. It was truly a moment. He is most gregarious, even to the least. When you are in conversation with him, he makes you to feel as if nobody else exists at that moment but you and him. It is a gift. I also had a chance to speak to Ms. Badu again. This is the third time within a weeks time. My little sister said she's going to think I'm stalking her. I had to laugh. Ms. Badu is a great supporter of St. Phillip's School. I respect Badu for her involvement in the community and in the lives of young people.
I had the chance to see many community friends, too many to name, and even some family. My cousin Alvin White, III's son attends St. Phillip's and it was good to see his wife Diane in the house. I want to thank my Concord tablemates for a fun and lively event. Gospel recording artist Gaye Arbuckle is a riot and a half! First lady Carter is class and fun along with the members of the Concord Church. Thanks for being a true friend Steve. I can't wait till 'Baby Brown' breaks thru and graces us with his presence. I got the 'Gucci's' for him already!
Once again, while at my lowest, God gave me the unsolicited opportunity to experience that which means alot to me, which in turn encourages me to hold on and keep going. God has a way of encouraging you through your situation, just how you need it and just when you need it most. Stay alert, sensitive and on the lookout for the little things in life that mean the most. Recieve His blessings graciously. Thank Him for his blessings voraciously.
I am thankful. I am encouraged. I will finish the journey.
Pastor P
Making It Great In 08!
Loving Life And Living To Love
Ephesians 3:20
Saturday, March 1, 2008
Hold The Phone
Hold the phone...It is a phrase that has taken on the meaning of hope, encouragement and inspiration. I dialed in and punched in the accesss code to the conference call. The call began with Joshua DuBois, National Deputy Director of Religious Affairs of Obama For America was explaining the purpose of the call and its participants. Dr. Randy Vaughn, President of the Texas Baptist State Convention, gave the opening invocation. My pastor, Dr. Frederick Douglas Haynes, III, was next to speak on the call to give the background foundation for the purpose and concerns for the call and responsibilities to the Pastors. Pastor Haynes spoke of the need for a man like Barack Obama because of '...failed policies of an evil administration to effect Davidic change." Nobody I know can wrap it up and present it like Pastor Haynes. Dr. Ralph Douglas West, of Houston, Texas, then introduced Senator Barack Obama.
Senator Obama spoke for about 17 minutes, sharing his vision, his mission, his heart and his concern. I sat and listened with amazement at how logical and methodical his mind and thinking is. His burden for America at-large and for people individually is genuine. His faith is real. I was honored to be among those whom shared in the call and the moment.
He spoke of his campaign, by the grace of God, being more than a campaign but a movement where we can hope for better, believe for better and strive for better. His burden for the ills and concerns of every American was articulated in a straightforward yet empathetical way. He was encouraged by the main message of the grassroots footsoldiers who are engaged, show interest and are excited about what this campaign means and what the future of American can be. He asked for all Pastors support because of a 'moral and historical obligation' to Biblical mandates. He then ended by asking for prayers for his wife and family.
After Senator Obama spoke, Dr. Shaun Casey, Bishop William Watson of the Church of God In Christ and Pastor Kirbyjon Caldwell of Houston, Texas rounded out the remainder of the conference call. I am still in a 'lil bit of awe at the men of God and the person of Barack Obama with whom I had just shared a moment in time with. I am honored to engage with men whom I admire and respect for many reasons and a presidential candidate who has grabbed the attention and hearts of America like non other since John F. Kennedy.
Whatever your stance and perspective in this presidential race, I encourage you to vote. Do not let it be said that you were not apart of the process. It is a tired and worn phrase, yet it is true, your vote counts. Your vote could very well be 'the' deciding vote.
As the 'old folks used to say and sing when I was growing up, at Mount Corinth Missionary Baptist Church in Houston, Texas...I'm just glad to be in the number, one more time.
This has been a 'wild week' for me. A roller coaster of sorts....From celebrating the joys of an additional year in Pastoral ministry of a friend (preaching his 6th year Pastoral anniversary to be exact), to watching the triumphant return of Jason Kidd to the Mavericks in American Airlines Center (yeah! they won!), to meeting and partying with Erykah Badu, Biz Markie and Dave Chappelle (for a good purpose to raise funds for her non-profit that benefits youths in the hood), to meeting former San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown (in town promoting his new biography), all while dealing with the emotinal roller coaster and sadness of heart of the disintegration of a relationship that I thought would last and wishing them to be there to share these experiences with, to being on the phone with presidential candidate Barack Obama. All of this, of course, is in the course of responsibility of leading and feeding a church and looking for a building for our congregation. I am looking forward to seeing the people of The Love Church and worshiping our God together in spirit and in truth on tomorrow. My spirit needs it and my soul desires it.
What a week!... but, HOLD THE PHONE, I am encouraged with Obama's speech ending matra, Yes We Can!
Pastor Patterson
Making It Great In '08!
Loving Life And Livin To Love
Friday, February 29, 2008
A 'Lil Something Extra!
Well, actually, His blessings in our lives are inumerable. They are like the stars in the sky and the sand on the beach. There is just no way possible to quantify the blessings of God in our lives. Suffice it to say, everytime I turn around, He's making a way! Every day is a new blessing, a new revelation of His presence in my life. A new comprehension of just how blessed I really am.
However, what is most amazing is that everynow and then, above and beyond ALL God does on a daily, moment by moment basis in our lives, He gives us a 'lil something 'extra!' Well, it is a 'leap year.' A time, every four years, as counted by the calendar, we are granted an 'extra' day.
My question to you today is, what have you done with this 'today,' this 'extra' that God has given you? Think about it, today God gave you an 'extra' 24 hrs! Time is one of the most precious things we have. When it is gone, you can never get it back, but today God has given us some 'extra' time! Did you use this time wisely? Did you use it to your advantage? Did you use it for the glory of God? Did you use it to encourage somebody, to pour into and invest in someone else's life? Did you tell someone you love them today? Did you put love in action today toward someone? Did you share the love of Christ today?...
What did you do with your 'extra' 24? ... I did this today, told someone I loved them and missed them and guess what kind of response I recieved. I recieved a shortened form of the word thanks, "thnx" in a text. Isn't that the way we do God far too many times? He gives us His best, His 'extra' and we respond as if it is little to nothing, if we respond at all. Might I suggest that we don't do God like we do others so many times and more often than not. Do God right, for He has been amazingly gracious to you. How do we do God right? We do God right by how we treat others in our lives. Remember, 'as we do it unto the least of these, we have done it unto Him.'
The good news is, whatever you did that did not measure up, you can redeem the time! Guess what, tomorrow will be another day! Another chance to get it right! Another chance to tell someone you love them! Another chance to show someone you love them! Another chance to forgive someone! Another chance to forigve yourself! Another chance to give to someone, without thought of anything in return! Another chance to pour into and invest in someone's life, something positive, even if it's simply a word, a kiss, a hug or even just a simple genuine smile.
Whatever you do when you awake in the morning, be sure to thank God for the 'extra' in your life! Remember, we do not deserve it and have not earned it, He just gave it! What a supernatural example of dealing with people in our lives. They do not deserve it, and have not earned it, but we can still give it! We do not deserve it, and cannot earn it, but somebody gave it to us! Show God's kindness, love and forgiveness to someone today and watch it come back to you, in love! Give a 'lil 'extra' to somebody today for God gave you something 'extra' yesterday.
Pastor P
Making It Great In '08!
Loving Life And Living To Love
Jim Crow, III
(see.. )
When Jim Crow laws were legally abolished in 1965 with the Voting Rights act, 'Jim Crow, Jr' was born. Outright, law abided racism was dead but legalized racism was in the gym running the treadmill of preconcieved prejudices and pumping the iron of cultural fear. 'Jim Crow, Jr' is the redlining by banks to give depressed and usually urban metropolitan areas high risk and high interest loans to blacks, while denying them access to suburban areas and low interest rates. It is the refusal of many developers and landlords to rent to people of color, in particular African Americans. It is the banks steering us to APR's for housing and transportation rather than low fixed rated interest loans. It is, as Operation Push founder and president Rev. Jesse Jackson says, 'we are the last hired and the first fired.' It is being overlooked and denied, even as the best qualified candidates for employment and for promotion. It is not the blatant racism experienced during the Civil Rights era, yet it is the institutionalized, instrinsic, systematic racism by pen and paper. It is not the 'blue color' racism of the 60's but it is the 'white color' racism of the 70's and 80's. It is not the loud and screaming racism of White only and Black Only signs, waterhoses, Police dogs and batons, but it is the silent racism of the Mont Blanc signing policies and procedures in company manuals.
Today, we are experiencing what I like to refer to, to keep the analogy alive, 'Jim Crow, III.' This is a mixture, the lineage of Jim Crow 'Sr' and Jim Crow, Jr. This is what has sparked outrageous acts of racism in Arlington, Texas in 2007 and rally on the steps of the Arlington City Hall in 2008!
As Malcom X once commented, thereby requitting censorship from the Nation Of Islam and the late Honorable Elijah Muhammad, on the death of President John F. Kennedy, as a case of "...chickens coming home to roost." We live in a nation that is built upon the very bedrock of violence and racism. To ignore this fact of American history is to ignore cancer in the body, sooner or later it will completely destroy, and malign in the meantime.
My Pastor, Dr. Frederick D. Haynes, III, spearheaded a community, no, a multi-city-wide rallying cry for justice on behalf of a law abiding couple who experienced 'Jim Crow, Sr,' in your face type racism in Arlington, Texas in the year 2007. The E.R.A. Movement (End Racism in Arlington) was a coming together of warriors for justice on behalf of of those done unjustly. In 2007, an Arlington home owning couple, Broderick Gamble and Silk LittleJohn were brutally attacked and their property was ... Viciously attacked by a neighbors dog and beaten. A neighbor directed racial remarks at Mr. Gamble's fiancée and attacked her, police said. The couple's car was also damaged and a racial slur was spray-painted on their garage.The garage doors of their house were spray painted in red with the words "Kill and Die Nigger!"
I am encouraged at the commuties response, the galvanizing of leaders and concerned citizens, that justice be heard, seen and done. A rally of local officials, leaders and Pastors was held on the steps of Arlington's City Hall to demand this justice and to seek a change in the climate of the city of Arlington. Pastor Haynes rallied the crowd as only he can ringing the clarion call for justice. He spoke from a list of 10 Community Demands To The City Of Arlington and from The Family's Demand List. It was empowering and hopeful to see others stand up and fight for someone else.
Currently, police have arrested Grace Head on suspicion of assault with intent to do bodily injury, criminal trespass and failure to identify herself to a police officer. She is also accused of damaging the hood of the couple's car, police said. Arlington Police Chief Theron Bowman has asked that the charges against Ms. Head be upgraded to include Hate Crime elements.
I am simply reminded of the famous quote from Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., whom is a Morehouse College schoolmate of mine, "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere." Do not think that what has happened to Broderick Gamble and Silk Littlejohn cannot happen to you. We are all intimately tied to this atrocious act together. Justice for one is justice for allSee for more information
AGAPE,Pastor P
Making It Great In '08!
Loving Life And Living To Love!
Night 'N Day... A worldwind experience in 24 hrs
Once again, I had the privilege of meeting him afterwards, shaking his hand and holding an albeit brief conversation while he signed my copy of his book. All this while he was checking out my haberdashery (that's clothing for those of you who don't know) because he is a self-proclaimed unapologetic fashion fanatic! I must humbly submit your boy had Mayor Brown beat hands-down today! Check the picture for yourself! Ha!
(btw...this day (the last 24 hrs) reminds me of the kind of woman I desire in my life, by my side. A woman who can groove to Badu and get hyped with The Biz and yet enjoy intellectual stimulation and show class and style while listening to Mayor Brown. Fun and sophistication all wrapped up in a beautiful package that undoubtedly loves the Lord!)
One mo' thing! Today is the last day for early voting in the Texas primaries! Participate in the process! GO VOTE!
Life is good!
Pastor P
Making It Great In '08!
Loving Life And Living To Love