Friday, August 22, 2008

a word about a wedding

words r not winsome enuf and adjectives r inadequate 2 definitively describe the joy n my heart n the happiness n my spirit 4 alan & deidra. my lil brother iz married and i gotz a brand new sis!

who woulda thunk it? who would predicted it? who woulda believed it? from international playboy 2 committed husband ... yall did it!...

ive been waiting 2 write n post on the this feeling and the weekend itself, yet everytime i sat down 2 pen, i could not contain my thoughts n feelings 2 words n keystrokes... even now, this is difficult 2 transcribe.i will b back later with a 'tim russert' type no holds barred eyewitness report of the haps... but 4 now, let it b known i havent been this excited n a long time . i recieve happiness from seeing others happy n being blessed!

the support shown n the love expressed by corinth and many friends and well wishers from around the country was overwhelming. it was literally astounding! i must admit i was sadly surprised by the conspicuous absence of a few whom i thought would have been n attendence, if 4 no other reason than simple relationship. u can tell who is n ur corner when u r experiencing things n life that mean the most 2 u by who is there. yes many come 4 many varied reasons. i call them 'wedding watchers.' ...some come 2 criticize, others 2 critique and still others 2 compare. others come 2b nosey, while still others 2b known that they were there. however, some come 2 genuinely celebrate with u n ur season. these r the people we need more of n our lives. christian celebrators not holy haters.

4 the christian celebrators, the faces, smiles, voices and touches i recieved, felt and saw this weekend (from folks who were there) i will never 4get n will always b treasured n my heart and mind. i have lost a measure of respect 4 some, but i have n turn gained a higher level of respect 4 some others. our pastor has taught us over the years, n iv heard it endlessly @ home growing up, that just ur presence is powerful, 4 it alone speaks volumes. conversely, ones absence is just as powerful and it 2 speaks volumes... ok, enuf of that...

4 everyone who helped 2 make the night special for my little brother and his bride, i thank you from my heart. i applaud you from my spirit. u not only made it special 4 them, but u also made it so very special 4 my mom n dad and 4 me... if u could hug each of u i would.

i shall return when the feeling is flowin' 2 give u the patterson paparrazi version of the rock star weekend...

till then... live like ur n love, everyday!

remember, u r greatly blessed, highly favored and deeply loved!


pastor p

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