Thursday, August 28, 2008

where are the michelle obamas?

i am watching these democratic national convention proceedings (note: i was supposed 2 b there 2morrow with friends n celebration of such a historic occassion but im home debating goin 2 the ER 2nite) 4 reasons other than choosing a candidate 2 vote 4. i am observing these goings on 2 take note of the human condition and importance and influence of interpersonal relationships, both good and bad.

let me say this up front, i am simply enamored with michelle obama and her very public, visible and without shame or fear, reverence, respect and deep love 4 her husband barack. her public displays of affection. it is simply enthralling 2 watch her eyes light up and her smile widen and beam like a ray of sunshine after a short light rain that clears the air, when he enters the room, or n this case, pepsi field.

as i watched her response and reaction 2 him, i sat n envy and n wonton desire 2 have such a woman who would act n such a way 2 me. she alone, n a crowd of thousands, was his biggest cheerleader and most ardent fan. nobody smiled wider, nobody clapped harder, nobody cheered louder, nobody was up on their feet quicker, nobody looked prouder than michelle obama. i bet when barack entered 2nite at the end of bidens speech, if she could have jumped the rafters and bolted down 2 the stage 2 engulf her man with a full body hug and congratulatory kiss, she would have. the power of non verbal communication is incalcuable and priceless.

now catch this, she is accomplished n her own right. all by herself. intelligent. articulate. stylish. charismatic. confident. harvard trained, yet she still deferes 2 her man. she still looks @ him like he is the next best thing since sliced bread. she still touches him like they r teenagers n puppy love. she still smiles, looks him n the eye and listens when he speaks.

all women should take note and keep reference. i believe @ least half of the reason mr barack is where he is 2day, if not more, is because of the 'backing' of mrs michelle, not the berating. 2 many women tear their men down n private, disrespect their men n public and wontoningly carry on about their men 2 his face on a daily basis and wonder why he is the way he is, and things r the way they r. if u want 2 get there n life, wherever there is 4 u, get urself 2gether, find ur place and do ur man right!... u just might end up being 'first lady.'

women, u must understand that u have miraculous powers. u can either build a man up or tear a man down. u can either raise a man 2 heights he has never known or drown a man 2 depths he has never seen, simply by ur support or non-support, both verbal and nonverbal. most macho men will never admit this without being threatened but... a woman has the power 2 lift a man or let him fall. a woman has the power 2 push a man forward or drag a man backward.

even the Bible says n Proverbs (21:9) that it is better 2 live on a corner of the roof than 2 share a house with a quarreling woman!

her actions and words r the catalyst 4 us 2 compete, the encouragement 4 us 2 engage, the power 4 us 2 perform and the will 4 us 2 war! so often we get and gain our inner strength, speaking humanly now, from the woman who believes n us, despite us. she knows us yet she has faith n us. if she says we can, we believe we can and most times we do. there r fewer sweeter words than 'honey, i believe n u!' the lights can be cut off, the car can repossessed and the house can be foreclosed on, but if she says everything is alright, i know ur doing ur best and things will get better, i am with u to the end, we will do our d****st to make it happen! the old tried and worn phrase is true, behind or besides, whichever is ur fancy, every good man is a better woman! ha! gotcha on that one! but a formidable truism nonetheless.

as the young urban crooner ne-yo sung 'im a movement by myself, but im a force when we're 2gether. u make me better.'

i want my michelle obama!

1 comment:

Rev P No said...

Very good post. There will be alot more of them now!