Monday, February 25, 2008

6 Years

Yesterday, I had the blessed privilege to preach a friends 6th Year Pastoral Anniversary. Pastor Edwin E. Favors and Praise Fellowship Church of Wilmer, Texas celebrated 6 years of ministry. Pastor Favors is a one of kind individual whom I met thru a mutual friend, Pastor Henry Batson, III. Pastor Favors is a spirit full of energy, life and giftedness. He is an accomplished singer and instrumentalist and has led many choirs and taught in the music genre, but his primary calling is to preach.

This year promises to be a miracle season for Pastor Favors. After celebrating 6 years of ministry at Praise Fellowship, this week he turns 33 years old and is engaged to be married in June. What a year! After five moves as a congregation, to their current facility, which they own debt free, they are are soon to unveil plans to raise funds for a 3.8 million dollar building project for the glory of God. U. S. Highway 45 South will never be the same.

Allow me to say, the Spirit was thick in the house on yesterday. Folks were shouting, running and a few even were straight laid out on the floor, just plum gone! We just covered them with sheets and kept on preaching! It was a 'tsunami of the Spirit.' I live for experiences like that of yesterday. For me, it is both cleansing and empowering. I am grateful when He comes thru like He did on yesterday. I would never want to even attempt to preach or pastor a people without the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit. I am grateful for the anointing. It is the anointing that breaks the yolk and sets people free. The anointing makes the difference.

Shouts out to my pulpit mates for the evening Pastor Moore, Pastor Batson and Pastor Stephens. A special shout out to my church, the greatest church south of Heaven, The Love Church, who sacrifically came all the way south down 45 to Wilmer in numbers strong, and gave of themselves to minister and give financially on the spot to be a tangible blessing to Pastor Favors. We are truly a giving congregation. I feel like a proud papa for the way you guys responded! The Voices Of Judah prepared the atmosphere for the Word and the youth tore the house down with the dance ministry! It was off the chain!

I am grateful for many things in this life. Particularly, yesterday reminded me that I am most grateful for relationships and the anointing. Thank you Father, for your grace and your mercy in my life, for which I am so undeserving. Thank you for people whom you have placed in my life, who continue to pour into me and push me to higher heights. Thank you for every encouraging word. Thank you for every selfless deed. Thank you for every intercessory prayer. Thank you for life itself. Everyday I wake up, I am anxious and excited to unwrap the gift of today.

Pastor P
Making It Great In '08!

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