Thursday, February 21, 2008


Well, I'm back on the 'Barack bandwagon.' The term has been coined labeling these fanatic types as 'Obamians!'

I am not an "Obamian' because I still remain a 'Christian,' yet I am moved to write on my experience at the ObamaDallas rally at Reunion Arena. In a simple statement, it was an 'once-in-a-lifetime-experience.' The throngs of people riding, walking and some I even saw being pushed and rolled in to see and hear Senator and Presidential Candidate Barack Obama were inumerable. I was reminded of words in the poem The New Colossus by Emma Lazarus on the base of the Statue of Liberty, "...give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to be free..." A basketball arena packed to some 17,000 strong of standing and screaming fans. I sat in Renunion Arena in VIP (Thanks Pastor Haynes!), with my special friend who showed up late (you know who you are!) second row from Obama and on the isle seat next to seven, yes count them, seven white men in a row! Every nationality was represented. Every age was in tow. All were excited! Many were even in tears as Obama spoke. It was Kennedy-esqe! Camelot in remix!

For agendas sake, the rally began with Rev. Dr. Frederick D. Haynes, III, kicking things off with a 'prayermon,' that's a prayer that turns into sermon! Gotta love Pastor Haynes, he is one of a kind! Local singer turned national recording artist, Rick James, no not 'that one!' , led a rousing soulful rendition of The Star Bangled Banner that had folks of all colors in tears. Local ObamaDallas organizers then hit the stage with instructions on volunteering and early voting. Former Dallas Mayor Ron Kirk then introduced Obama and was joined onstage at the mike with former Dallas Cowboys running back and Hall of Famer, Emmitt Smith to rouse up the crowd. Next, was thunderous applause, cheering and chanting as Obama approached and hit the stage to music like a Heavyweight boxers entrance to a title bout! It was a quite the staged event to say the least.

The pure excitement that swells and surrounds Obama and his campaign is contagious. Simply put, it is electric. In person, it is a million times more affective. You can feel it. You can sense it. You can actually see it. You can hear it as people respond in kind. Obama has the kind of charisma that cannot be taught or coached. Someone once said, either you have it or you don't. It is always exciting to me, in whatever arena, to see one operate in their gift and move in their time.

Obama is igniting a nation because of his 'Audacity To Hope!' The Word of God says "Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but when the desire comes, it is a tree of life." - Proverbs 13:12 This simply means hope, like a tree, is strong and sturdy and keeps us 'rooted.' It also means it is a 'life-giving' force. A trees fruit will give and continue to give life.

Hope is contagious. Hope is enlivening. Hebrews 6:19 says 'Hope is the anchor of the soul." When the winds of adversity blow in our lives, 'hope' is the anchor of the soul that keeps us from being blown to and fro. Hope says I can have a meaningful and happy marriage. Hope says I will break and beat this addiction. Hope says my mind is experiencing perfect peace as I keep my mind stayed on Jesus! Hope says love will find a way! As a matter of fact, God's hope for mankind gave us Jesus Christ to die on the cross for our sins! Thank God for hope!

Hope is the belief and anticipation of what is, will come.

What does disturb me in this political process is the approach taken by the Clinton campaign. It is what Lauryn Hill called 'the hypocrisy of democracy.' Never have I seen such audacity of arrogance in an 'attitude of entitlement' to a position. As if she and she alone is crowned and ordained for the job. On the flip side of the same coin, never have I seen such an utter disdain for those contending for the same position, as if one does not deserve or warrant serious desire for what she feels she is entitled to. Smear tactics and back room deals are politics of old. What has caused Campaign Obama to soar above the fray is his willingness and desire to run a 'positive' campaign and stay above the dirty politics of old time Washingtonians.

Allow me to encourage us in life to keep it true and keep it positive. Keep it God!

I am encouraged to see someone on the national level keeping it as clean as they can, only responding when absolutely necessary, and thereby gaining the respect and votes, of millions along the way. Yes, you can do right and play fair, and win! What is sad to say is that there is even 'dirty politics' in the church! I have been a recipient of such foolishness and foolheartedness. Fortunately, those of us of faith, know and recognize, that 1) if they did it to Jesus, who are we not to think it will not be done to us, 2) whatever seeds we sow, are the seeds we will reap and 3) that vengence is mine said the Lord. Whatever is done to you in this life, take the hit, do good to them that perpetrated against you and praise God for the experience. You will be blessed as a result in the end! If we want to reign with Him, we must first suffer with Him. No cross, no crown!

Whomever your choice for candidate for the Presidency, make it your duty to vote! Your voice and choice is necessary for the maturity of our country. Democracy is only democracy when people are involved. Take a stand. Make a choice. Vote.

Moreover, greater than your vote for President of the United States is your vote in your daily life to live for Christ! Vote God!

Pastor P
Making It Great In '08!


ESQ.T said...

Great blog! It was a mountaintop experience for many reasons! An event to be remembered forever! Thanks for holding my seat! ;)

HIS GRACE said...
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