Wednesday, February 27, 2008

He Said, She Said, They Said... A Debate

Well, I did not get to 'get my groove on' with Badu (see previous post). I had forgotten about the MSNBC Democratic Debate coming on last night. Sorry Erykah, but politics over party this time! I chose instead to watch the Clinton/Obama debate with some friends. The 2oth debate overall, the third Clinton/Obama debate and the last debate before the ever so important coming Tuesday primaries, including Rhode Island, Vermont, Ohio and Texas. This is a 'Custard's Last Stand' moment for Hillary Clinton. The outcome will greatly determine whether her campaign continues or concedes to 'Obamamania.'

I actually wanted to leave this political race alone, however, I am compelled to comment because of the underlying, coat and tie wearing, insolent yet silent racism of 'Jim Crow, Jr-ism' of the slick-willy media and the unstable 'circus atmosphere' presented by the emotional filled and entitlement riddled 'buckshots' from the Clinton campaign. She continues to 'fire' at Obama rather than firing up a nation with excitement for her campaign and message. When will we learn, even in our interpersonal, one on one relationships, that attacking a person is 'anti-success' to your aim.

There is an underlying, intrinsic attempt in the media to 'Jedi mind trick' by race baiting the unassuming populace subconcious into hate mongering. Hence the Farrakhan question posited by debate co-moderator Tim Russert and Hillary Clintons subsequent pressing of the matter. It is classic 'Tsun Zu', engaging a battle/war principle known as divide and conquer. Division, along with fear, will cripple anyone, including an entire ethnic group, including even a nation. One African-American political pundit on CNN stated the Farrakhan question, '... is a bizzare right of passage for African-Americans running for office in the public arena' to appease whites and assauge their guilt and fear of and for the treatment of our race. He went on to give the analogy of former Senator Trent Lott supporting John McCain. He said, Trent Lott supported former South Caroline Senator Strom Thurmond, the longest serving United States senator and the most racist, and now Trent Lott supports John McCain. Yet, no one is calling for John McCain to 'denounce and reject' Trent Lott because of his support of former Sentor Strom Thurmon and his past racist views, actions and comments, as Senator Clinton did during last nights debate. The utter disparity propogated by some popular political pundits toward blacks is apalling and sickening, yet it is a public 'plumb line' that most African-Americans are blind, ignorant or simply apethetic to.

As it relates to Hillary Clinton, per last nights debate and previous actions heretowith, I am utterly in awe. I have never seen a candidate, whose claim to fame is that she has it all together, has been 'fully vetted,' and is the 'presumed nominee to be' before the race had even begun, whose campaign is without a compelling central message (and blows in the wind with what is currently catching the minds of the electorate). Whose campaign is so arrogantly wasteful in spending. Whose campaign has seen a personell implosion at the top level with the firing of her campaign manager. Whose campaign has contracted the disease of entitlement. Whose campaign complains instead of communicates her message. Who whines instead of working the grass roots level. Whose campaign has shown the sad signs of 'bi-polar personality disorder.' Whose campaign is schizophrenic in nature. We have seen her 'laugh out of turn in sarcastic tones' in a debate. We have seen her cry croccidile tears at a town meeting when she finally 'found her voice' 8 months into the campaign. We have seen her rant and rave like someone stole her dog, at a grass roots rally.

It begs the question and makes you wonder... which Hillary Clinton will show up at any given moment and time? Will the real Hillary Clinton please stand up? We have heard the 'experienced' Hillary. We've seen the 'teary-eyed' Hillary. She has tried on the 'strong' Hillary. She has modeled the 'getting picked on' Hillary. She's currently wearing the 'fighter' Hillary, with the 'emotional' Hillary as an accessory. Will the real Hillary Clinton please stand up? Oh wait, this is the real Hillary Clinton, a criminally indicted campaign chameleon, willing, ready and able to change 'colors' at any moment to fit the environment in order to stay alive. Beware of the Squamata reptilia among us (look it up if you must!)!

I must give kudos to Obama, if for nothing else, than for refusing to succumb to negative tactics and personal smears. Senator Clair McCaskill (D-Mo), National Co-Chair for the Obama campaign, stated on CNN this morning that his appeal is authentic and magnetic for a number of reasons including, 'He has refused to participate in the old style 'slash and burn' politics of the Clintons' and has remained above the foray with a positive message of hope.

Whatever the political outcome, I am still at peace, and you should be too, and look forward to the future because of the Word of God. Those of us who believe can rest in the fact that whoever is in the White House, be it Obama, Clinton or McCain, does not ultimately matter because "The king's heart is in the hands of the Lord...He turneth it whithersoever He will." Proverbs 21:1 KJV... Simply put, it's in the Lord's Hands! Your house, the White House and the world is in God's hands! Praise the Lord!

By the way, I almost forgot...GET YOUR VOTE ON!!...And remember the importance of the 'Texas Two Step,' you must vote TWICE TO MAKE IT COUNT!

Pastor P
Making It Great In '08!
Loving Life and Living To Love

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